We were at

API Strategy 2014

Bringing Java, JVM and Enterprise Professionals together, JAX London offers a deep dive for the modern developer and architect aiming to transform open technologies into valuable business solutions. The conference focuses on Java core, architecture, and web technologies, as well as expert professional insight into the very latest methodologies and best-practices.

Our sessions

Keynote Session: Connecting the World

Paul Fremantle

Paul Fremantle
Co-Founder & CTO,

Paul delivered a keynote talk that discussed how the world is becoming more “connected”— with more than 3 billion people online, 8 billion devices, and millions using applications. Paul examined how enterprise developers are responsible for building our connected world and looked at key characteristics, different technologies, and approaches for evolving business strategy and participating in this connected world.

Understanding Real Time Event Processing through Football

Senaka Fernando

Senaka Fernando
Solutions Architect,

Senaka spoke on "Understanding Real Time Event Processing through Football" which was designed for developers seeking to understand how real-time and batch analytics can work together. He also discussed how mobile devices, sensors and GPS are driving the demand to handle big data in both batch and real-time.

Workshop: API Management

Paul and Senaka facilitated a hands-on workshop titled "API Management". The workshop illustrated how API management helps organizations participate in the API Economy; with the first half of the workshop looking at the overall landscape and approaches, while the second half focused on using Open Source API Management tooling to expose, monitor and manage APIs.

The workshop:

  • Explored the benefits and challenges of exposing APIs
  • Looked at the security management of using OAuth2
  • Explained Single Sign On with OpenID Connect and SAML2
  • Addressed the lifecycle of APIs
  • Looked at API Analytics and monitoring
  • Explained monetization options

Apache Stratos: the PaaS from Apache

Lakmal Warusawithana

Lakmal Warusawithana
Director - Cloud Architecture,

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) is a technology designed to make DevOps easier and allow developers to focus on application development. The PaaS takes care of provisioning, scaling, HA, and other cloud management aspects. Discussing these key elements of PaaS, the session included a demonstration of app deployment, provisioning, auto-scaling and more.

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