29 Oct, 2007

How to Run WSO2 WSAS as a Unix Daemon

  • Afkham Azeez
  • VP - Cloud - WSO2

/etc/init.d wsas [start | stop | restart]


Locate the daemon.sh script in the WSAS_HOME directory. Make sure that the daemon.sh file is executable;

cd $WSAS_HOME/bin
chmod +x daemon.sh

Make sure that all the files in WSAS_HOME/bin/native are executable

cd $WSAS_HOME/bin/native
chmod +x *

Now from WSAS_HOME/bin, you can run the daemon.sh as follows:

  1. './daemon.sh console' - Run WSAS in console mode. All output will appear on the current console
  2. './daemon.sh start' - Start WSAS. Now WSAS will run as a background process
  3. './daemon.sh stop' - Stop a WSAS process which was started using the above command
  4. './daemon.sh restart' - Restart the running WSAS instance

You could also create a symbolic link from the /etc/init.d/ directory to the WSAS daemon.sh script as follows:

cd /etc/init.d/
  ln -s $WSAS_HOME/bin/daemon.sh wsas

Now you can start, stop and restart WSAS as follows:

/etc/init.d wsas [start | stop | restart]

To automatically start WSAS as a daemon when the machine boots up, you can add WSAS to the default run level as follows

  1. Download and install chckconfig.
  2. run, chkconfig --add wsas
  3. To verify that WSAS has been added to the proper run levels; chkconfig --list
  4. edit the $WSO2WSAS_HOME/conf/wrapper.conf file and provide the absolute path to the java command as the value of the wrapper.java.command entry.
  5. Reboot your machine
  6. Check the $WSO2WSAS_HOME/logs/wrapper.log and $WSO2WSAS_HOME/logs/wso2wsas.log files to make sure that WSAS has been properly started
  7. Access the WSAS Console at https://localhost:9762/


Applies To

WSO2 WSAS 2.1 & higher versions

Unix, Linux, Sun Solaris, MAC OS X

More Information

Rest of the WSAS HOWTO Series



About Author

  • Afkham Azeez
  • VP - Cloud
  • WSO2