9 Sep, 2016

[Article] An Overview of Business Owner Function in WSO2 App Manager

  • Jenananthan Yogendran
  • - WSO2
Archived Content
This article is provided for historical perspective only, and may not reflect current conditions. Please refer to relevant product page for more up-to-date product information and resources.

Table of contents

Applies to

WSO2 App Manager Version 1.2.0


WSO2 App Manager offers a unique app management solution where app owners can publish their apps and end users can choose and use the apps they need. End users, however, may need to know the real owner of the app they consume. In previous releases of WSO2 App Manager there was no option to define and show the real business owner of the app to end users; it now provides a business owner function where app creator can associate a business owner with an app and information of that business owner will be displayed to the end user in the store. This feature is available for web apps and sites.

Define a new business owner

Business owner information can be added in the app manager by any user who has admin privilege. The “admin-dashboard” app provides the capability to add, edit, delete and list these business owners.

  1. Login to “admin-dashboard” app as a admin user by accessing the url https://:9443/admin-dashboard.
  2. Select “Business Owners” option in the left menu. This will popup options to list the already defined business owners and to add new business owner.
  3. Click on “Add business owner” to add new business owner information.
  4. Now provide the basic information of the business owner.

    Figure 1

    “Add New Property” option allows you to define any other information related to the business owner, e.g, contact details.

    Figure 2

    By default all the basic details will be displayed in the store. If you want to display the advance information provided using “Add New Property” option then you would need to select the checkbox “Show in Store” for the given property.

  5. Click “Save” button to save the business owner detail. Added business owner detail can be modified or deleted by navigation to business owners listing page (“Business Owners” > “List Owners”).

    Figure 3

Associate a business owner with the application

App creator can associate the business owner when creating the app in publisher. All the business owners created by the admin user in the admin-dashboard app will be displayed in the dropdown box as shown below. The app creator will have to select the correct business owner form that list.

Figure 4

View business owner details of an application in store

In the store, the business owner details of an app will be displayed in the overview page of the app. All the basic information of the business owner and the extra attributes that have been selected (in the admin-dashboard app) in the store will be displayed under the “Business Owner Details” tab.

Figure 5

Search apps by business owner

The apps search feature provides an option to search apps published by a particular business owner. All the apps published by a particular business owner can be filtered using the business owner’s name via this search option.

Figure 6

Rest API support

WSO2 App Manager provides rest APIs to all functions related to the business owner. These APIs can be used to automate tasks such as business owner creation, deletion, etc.

Business owner APIs

  • Create a new business owner
  • Update existing business owner
  • Get all business owners
  • Get a business owner details
  • Delete business owner
  • Search Apps by business owner

The business owner feature does not support the inclusion of a business owner’s logo through the UI. This will be supported in future releases. However, by using rest APIs, the logo can be added to a business owner.

Refer to documentation for more details on how to create business owner with a logo and display logo in the store in WSO2 App Manager.


The business owner function provides the way to brand your company/team to end users and helps end users to find the apps published by your company or team. It helps them to trust the apps published and provides information to contact the owner of the app and give feedback. This article provided an overview of the feature and described how it defines the business owner, associates the business with apps, and displays business owner information that’s useful to end users.



About Author

  • Jenananthan Yogendran
  • wso2