Api platform for Kubernetes >

Open Source Instructions

In this release, we’re excited to introduce API Manager 4.3.0 as the control plane for WSO2 APK, offering expanded capabilities beyond our previous support for the WSO2 APK data plane only. Now, you have two options for setup:

  • WSO2 APK Data Plane Only: If you only need data plane functionality, follow the instructions to set up the WSO2 APK data plane.
  • WSO2 APK Control Plane with Data Plane: This includes both control plane and data plane features. Follow the instructions to set up both the WSO2 APK control plane and data plane.


Set Up Instructions

Start with WSO2 APK data plane only


Create a Namespace.

kubectl create ns apk

Install the WSO2 APK Helm chart data plane only mode.

helm repo add wso2apk https://github.com/wso2/apk/releases/download/1.1.0 
helm repo update
helm install apk-test wso2apk/apk-helm --version 1.1.0 -n apk

Check all pods related to the deployment are installed properly.

kubectl get pods -n apk 

To uninstall WSO2 APK, run the following command.

helm uninstall <release name>  -n apk

Start the WSO2 APK data plane with the control plane


Create a Namespace.

kubectl create ns apk

Set up WSO2 API Manager Control Plane 4.3.0

Install the WSO2 APIM Helm chart.

helm repo add wso2apim
helm repo update
helm install apim wso2apim/wso2am-cp --version 4.3.0 -f
-cp/values.yaml -n apk

Install the NGINX Ingress Controller using the following command. Please refer to the NGINX Ingress Controller documentation for more information.


Set up WSO2 APK data plane 1.1.0

Install the WSO2 APK Helm chart.

helm repo add wso2apk https://github.com/wso2/apk/releases/download/1.1.0
helm repo update
helm install apk wso2apk/apk-helm --version 1.1.0 -f
values.yaml -n apk

Set up WSO2 APIM-APK Agent 1.1.0

Install the WSO2 APK Agent Helm chart.

helm repo add wso2apkagent
helm repo update
helm install apim-apk-agent wso2apkagent/apim-apk-agent --version 1.1.0 -f
-apk-agent/cp/values.yaml -n apk

Verify the deployment

You can verify the deployment by executing the following command. Once completed, you’ll see the status of the pods for the WSO2 APK data plane and APIM control plane as follows.

kubectl get pods

To uninstall WSO2 APK, run the following command.

helm uninstall apim  -n apk
helm uninstall wso2apk  -n apk
helm uninstall apim-apk-agent  -n apk