Developer Community

WSO2 has a wide library of products and projects, all with the same goal: to enable developers across many industries. We want to foster a healthy community through open collaboration and feedback to help each developer and our teams continue to create cloud-native enterprise applications.

Join our Community
Join our Community

Join the Community

Centralizing our communities and communication is essential. We have created spaces to meet developers where they are. Come hang out on Discord, ask the tough questions on Stack Overflow, or contribute on GitHub by reporting issues you encounter, improving our Open Source content, or pitching in with your code. Bring your user profile and join others growing in their development journey.


Win a Tesla Cybertruck!

(or $100,000)

Ready for the ultimate coding challenge? Build an app on Choreo and stand a chance to win a Tesla Cybertruck or $100,000!

Upcoming Events

Apr 23rd

Beyond Compliance: Unlocking the Full Potential of Open Data with WSO2

Open data goes beyond just meeting Consumer Data Right (CDR) and Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) obligations. It's a chance to fuel customer loyalty, boost collaboration, and create new revenue streams. With WSO2’s platform, you can go beyond conforming to CDR regulations and implement enterprise-wide digital transformation initiatives — with industry-leading full lifecycle API management, integration, and identity access management tools. WSO2 helps you build great digital experiences quickly and securely.

Apr 23rd

Unlocking Development Platform Excellence: A Journey with Interware and WSO2

Discover the best solutions for development platforms. Interware and WSO2 will guide you in discovering essential topics and innovative solutions that can transform the way you develop and manage your applications. Explore best practices in Identity and Access Management to ensure security and compliance across your enterprise. Plus understand how to optimize and control access to your APIs to drive innovation and business growth.

Tech Talk
Apr 24th

Level up your APIs: GraphQL with Ballerina

Join the next Ballerina Tech Talk, where we will discuss simplifying your GraphQL development with the Ballerina programming language.

6:30 p.m. - 7:15

Register Now