WSO2Con2025 Logo

March 18-20 | Barcelona, Spaain


Robust, Lightweight, Powerful Integration

WSO2 Micro Integrator is a 100% open source low-code integration solution. Build integrations faster with AI-assistance. Deploy them anywhere, in any architecture.


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WSO2 MI - Robust, Lightweight, Powerful Integration

AI-Assisted, Low-Code Development

Use the extension for VS Code, and develop integrations in low-code with an AI copilot assisting at every step. Reduce setup time, boost productivity, and enhance the overall development experience.

  • Describe integration problems in natural language, and let the AI copilot generate the configurations
  • Auto-generate project structures based on prompts
  • Refine projects iteratively through conversational prompts

Powerful Data Transformations

Different systems handle data differently. Transform data from any format using either a graphical interface or scripting.

  • Easy-to-use visual data mapper to transform data from any format (e.g. JSON, XML, and CSV)
  • A drag-and-drop graphical interface helps to create data transformation workflows without any coding
  • Scripting and templates for transformations (e.g. XSLT, and FreeMarker)

100% EIP Compliant

Quickly construct integrations leveraging out-of-the-box support for all Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) and common enterprise messaging scenarios.

Link your business and partners, communicate using any protocol, process diverse data, and operate across various environments (VMs, Kubernetes, on-premises, or the cloud).

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Enhancing Deployments and Security

Extensible Product Architecture

Extend the capabilities of WSO2 Micro Integrator to address any business need.

  • Easily build custom connectors and plug them in
  • Highly extendable architecture allows you to plug in custom components in every layer
  • Build your custom logic in either scripting languages (JavaScript), or in programming languages (Java)
Enhancing Deployments and Security

Deploy Anywhere, in Any Architecture

Deploy your integrations in a centralized ESB-style or decentralized Microservices architecture.

Run them yourselves anywhere you want, or let us run them for you in either a private cloud or public SaaS.


ESB (Centralized)

Explore WSO2 Integrator

Enhancing Deployments and Security

Develop your integrations using a low-code graphical interface.


Develop your integrations in pro-code using the only language with integration-friendly abstractions.

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Monitor and manage all your integration deployments from a single control plane.

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Over 60 Trillion Transactions Executed Annually
Over 350 Customers Globally.



The Swiss Federal Supervisory Authority for Foundations Improves Efficiency with The WSO2 Integration Platform

Read the Case Study

Elevate Your Integration Development Experience with WSO2 Micro Integrator 4.3.0

  • Isuru Udana

  • Product Manager - Integration - WSO2
  • 25 Jul, 2024

Introducing the New Visual Data Mapper for WSO2 Micro Integrator

  • Madusha Gunasekara

  • Associate Technical Lead - WSO2
  • 28 Aug, 2024

Get Started with WSO2 Micro Integrator