12 Aug, 2014

[WSO2Con EU 2014] Keynote – The Innovative Nature of Open Source Cloud

  • WSO2Con EU 2014
  • ATL - WSO2

The nature of business is changing. Driven to meet the rapidly advancing wants and desires of its customers, businesses are racing to adapt their way of doing business. This not only redefines IT, but the relationships between IT and the line of business. IT is responding to change with the adoption of cloud computing, and more recently, the adoption of open source cloud. Cloud computing has grown beyond the simple need for agile compute services, integrating technologies in storage, networking, security, management, automation, and applications. Let’s take a peek into the technology growth and the associated business advantages to see why open source cloud is best suited to meet the varied demands. We will also note where the enterprise data centers are heading next.


Alan Clark
Director of Industry Initiatives, Emerging Standards and Open Source, SUSE
Chairman of the Board, WSO2

Alan Clark is an experienced industry leader, open source advocate, a member of the SUSE leadership team, and SUSE strategy adviser for new industry initiatives and open source. Fostering the creation, growth, awareness and adoption of open source and open standards as an industry leader, contributor, speaker and sponsor, Alan has served in several key positions. With over 20 years of experience in the software industry, Alan continues to strive to set new technical standards. Alan has been a director or board chair for several industry open source projects and consortia. He participates in several Industry forum steering committees, technical committees and open source projects.


About Author

  • WSO2Con EU 2014
  • ATL
  • WSO2