2 Dec, 2006

How to Add Custom SOAP Headers to a Web Service Request in Axis2?

  • Eran Chinthaka
  • Software Engineer - WSO2

Let's see how you can add your own headers to the request using Axis2 client API. Let's use the following header as an example.

<myNs:MyHeader xmlns:mvNS="https://www.CustomHeaders.com">This is some vital 

Adding Custom Headers Using Client API

Step 1: First you need to get hold of the ServiceClient API. If you are not using generated stubs, then you should use ServiceClient to call the method. But if you are using generated stubs, using Axis2 WSDL2Code mechansim, call _getServiceClient() you can get hold of the ServiceClient.

ServiceClient serviceClient = XXXStub._getServiceClient(); 

Step 2: There are couple of methods in ServiceClient API that you can use to add SOAP headers. The easiest one is to use addStringHeader(QName headerName, String headerText) method.

serviceClient.addStringHeader(new QName("https://www.CustomHeaders.com", 
"MyHeader", "myNs"), "This is some vital information");

If you want more control than the above, for instance if you want to add a whole XML fragment inside the SOAP header, then you might want to consider using either addHeader(OMElement header) or addHeader(SOAPHeaderBlock header)

OMFactory omFactory = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory();
OMElement omElement = omFactory.createOMElement
(new QName("https://www.CustomHeaders.com", "MyHeader", "myNs"), null);
omElement.setText("This is some vital information");

// add whatever you want to omElement here


Applies To:

Apache Axis2/Java v1.1

For More Information:

AXIOM - Fast and Lightweight Object Model for XML


About Author

  • Eran Chinthaka
  • Software Engineer
  • WSO2 Inc.