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March 18-20 | Barcelona, Spaain

12 Aug, 2014

[WSO2Con EU 2014] Keynote: Intelligent Orchestration- More Than Just a Web Services Engine

  • WSO2Con EU 2014
  • ATL - WSO2


Luca Martini Distinguished Engineer, Cisco

Luca joined Cisco in October 2003 and has since been involved with L2VPN technology, IP RAN, and pseudowires technology that evolved from his draft-martini design. This technology, which is now an IETF and industry standard, has been accepted as the de-facto industry standard transport for layer2 protocols over MPLS. He was previously working at Level3 Communications where he was part of the team that built what became the biggest ISP in the world. He has been involved in the internet engineering task force (IETF) for the past 15 years and contributed to many IETF standards. While at Cisco, Luca worked on the architecture of core, access routers, and MPLS technology. He is now leading the Cisco virtualization strategy in two major areas: mobility and home broadband access. Luca is currently working in the Cisco Mobile Business group..


About Author

  • WSO2Con EU 2014
  • ATL
  • WSO2