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March 18-20 | Barcelona, Spaain

22 Dec, 2015

[WSO2Con USA 2015] Deployment Patterns and Capacity Planning

  • WSO2Con US 2015
  • WSO2Con - WSO2


Chintana Wilamuna,
Solutions Architect, WSO2

Chintana is a part of the Solution Architecture team. He also started the WSO2 Web Services Frameworks for Ruby and Perl. In addition to his product development efforts, he has provided technology consulting on customer engagements including architectural guidance, integration of web services, print process automation and online management solutions. Chintana is a committer on the Apache Stonehenge project and also started WSF/Ruby and WSF/Perl.


About Author

  • WSO2Con US 2015
  • WSO2Con
  • WSO2