JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties. In what ways does WSO2 API Manager support JWTs?
Which protocol CANNOT be used to invoke a dataservice in WSO2 Micro Integrator?
Xamsons is a telecommunication company who wants to build a native mobile app using OpenID Connect protocol for authentication and need to authenticate the users to the mobile app through SMS OTP validation. They also have their own SMS gateway and a validation service. What is the best way to achieve this with WSO2 Identity Server?
What is true about vertical scaling?
XFinance is a bank who wants to build a native mobile app with their own login pages. They wanted to use OpenID Connect protocol for authentication along with SMS OTP capabilities but do not have a SMS service or validation mechanism. What is the best way to achieve this?
Zebra Solutions wants to provide trial accounts for a 30-day period using WSO2 Identity Server. How is it possible to achieve this requirement?
Will consist of a particular scenario and multiple choice questions related to business architecture, solutions architecture, and deployment architecture for that scenario.