Administration of organizations

# Administration of organizations

The following guides explain how to manage the administration tasks of organizations.

# Implement an administration portal

Organization administrators do not have access to the Asgardeo Console. Therefore, you should expose administrative functions to administrators through a separate administration portal in your application.

The administration portal of your application should use Asgardeo's organization APIs to perform administrative operations.

To access management APIs in Asgardeo, you need to register your application as a management application. Learn how to register a management application in Asgardeo

The following are some of the features that your administration portal should contain.

# Manage users

The organization administrator should be able to onboard new users (administrators and consumers) to the organization. The identities of these users are stored in the default Asgardeo user store.

The identity and access management requirements of these users will be managed by Asgardeo.

The administration portal in your application should use the User management - SCIM2 API to create user operations.

# Onboard identity providers

An organization may have an external identity provider (IdP) to manage the user identities of its employees and customers. Such an IdP may be already being used for the following purposes:

  • Authenticating user logins to various applications.
  • Branding the login interfaces to suit the organization.
  • Enabling custom login experiences to different user groups.

The organization administrator can onboard such corporate IdPs to the organization in Asgardeo as a connection. These IdPs can then be set as a login option in your application.

The administration portal in your application should use the identity provider API to manage external IdPs.

# Define application login flows

Organization administrators should be able to customize the login flows of the application to suit business needs.

For example, the administrator should be able to define the number of authentication steps that the application login flow needs and what login options should be available for each step.

The administration portal in your application should use the application management API to manage application login flows.

# Extend administration tasks

Explore the organization APIs of Asgardeo that are available for you to enable all the required administration capabilities from your administration portal.

See the instructions on enabling organization login to try out a B2B organization login use case.