Developer Community

WSO2 has a wide library of products and projects, all with the same goal: to enable developers across many industries. We want to foster a healthy community through open collaboration and feedback to help each developer and our teams continue to create cloud-native enterprise applications.

Join our Community
Join our Community

Join the Community

Centralizing our communities and communication is essential. We have created spaces to meet developers where they are. Come hang out on Discord, ask the tough questions on Stack Overflow, or contribute on GitHub by reporting issues you encounter, improving our Open Source content, or pitching in with your code. Bring your user profile and join others growing in their development journey.


Win a Tesla Cybertruck!

(or $100,000)

Ready for the ultimate coding challenge? Build an app on Choreo and stand a chance to win a Tesla Cybertruck or $100,000!

Upcoming Events

May 7th

WSO2Con 2024

We are thrilled to announce the return of WSO2Con. Join us for a deep dive into the WSO2 way, where innovation meets collaboration! Whether you're a seasoned WSO2 user or exploring our products for the first time, WSO2Con is the place to be.

May 14th

Oxygenate France by CGI & WSO2

Rejoignez-nous à WSO2 France Oxygenate le 14 mai 2024, en partenariat avec CGI. Explorez "la véritable et globale plateforme IPaaS & OpenSource". Parfait pour ceux qui s'intéressent à la transformation numérique, à l'intégration, à la gestion des API et à l'accès des identités. Les participants découvriront des temoignages de clients de WSO2 dans leur parcours de transformation digitale, et des idées sur la gestion des API et des identités. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant!

Tech Talk
Apr 24th

Level up your APIs: GraphQL with Ballerina

Join the next Ballerina Tech Talk, where we will discuss simplifying your GraphQL development with the Ballerina programming language.

6:30 p.m. - 7:15

Register Now