Extending WSO2 Registry with Handlers

In this article, Chathura Ekanayake discusses on extending the WSO2 Registry capabilities using the handler framework. He gives details on concepts and architecture of the handler framework and illustrates its use with a sample.


Axis2 Configuration Part 2 – Learning axis2.xml

In the first part of this article we discussed the commonly used parameters in an axis2.xml file, and how to configure those parameters to change the the standard behavior of the Axis2 engine. In this article Deepal Jayasinghe continues to explore the parameters of axis2.xml and introduces other types of elements.


Feature Comparison of WSF/C and gSOAP

In this article Damitha Kumarage performing a feature comparisons of WSF/C and gSOAP.


Mashup, a new and exciting aspect of Web 2.0

In this article, Rohitha Fernando highlights important information about Mashups being a new and exciting aspect of Web 2.0 and the next major new software development model. Insight of mashups in the enterprise is just beginning as their benefits begin to be understood.


Service Governance with WSO2 Registry v1.1

In this article, Ruwan Janapriya discusses SOA requirement for Governance and using the WSO2 Registry to address it.


Create a Simple Data Service with WSO2 Data Services

This tutorial from Chamara Silva describes, how you create a simple data service using the WSO2 Data Services.


Debugging Axis2/C Services and Clients

In this tutorial, Supun Kamburugamuva illustrates debugging Apache Axis2/C services and clients in both Windows and Linux platforms under different deployment scenarios.


Adding Persistence to Synapse - The Queuing Model

This article by Danushka Menikkumbura illustrates adding persistance to the Apache Synapse ESB [1].


Bring Legacy Data To Your Mashups With The WSO2 Mashup Server

The mashup community considers spreadsheets to be one of the first mashup creation platforms that saw light. In this tutorial by Tyrell Perera, you will find, how to mashup data from a legacy source like a spreadsheet with one of Web 2.0's famous innovations, the personal blog. 
