7 Feb, 2011

Deploying WSO2 BPS 2.0.2 on JBoss 5.1.0 GA

  • Pavithra Madurangi
  • sse-qa - WSO2



WSO2 Business Process Server, which is developed on top of the Carbon Platform and powered by Apache ODE, is capable of composing comprehensive business processes by orchestrating web services according to the WS-BPEL standard. It facilitates enterprises to manage business processes, usually of a dynamic nature, to meet ever-changing customer and business requirements. Among many other capabilities of WSO2 BPS, one prominent feature is that it can be deployed on many widely used application servers such as JBoss and tomcat. 

The following guide covers the procedure for deploying WSO2 Business Process Server 2.0.2 on JBoss 5.1.0. It should be noted that the same procedure should always be followed when deploying BPS on any other application server.


Applies to:

  • WSO2 Business Process Server 2.0.2 (Based on carbon 3.1.0)

  • JBoss application server 5.1.0 GA  

Steps in detail:

Step 1: Create a repo in the file system

If WSO2 Business Process Server (WSO2 BPS) 2.0.2 is not already downloaded, get it from here. Then, extract the downloaded package into a location in the file system and, for the moment, call it BPS_HOME.

Create another directory in the file system and name it "bps_repo". Copy repository and resources directories from BPS_HOME to bps_repo. 

Step 2: Configure JBoss application server

  1. The next step is to configure the JBoss application server. Download JBoss and extract it. Let's refer to the location as "JBOSS_HOME".
  2. Go to JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy directory and create a new folder named "bps.war". Then copy WEB-INF folder which resides in BPS_HOME/lib/core into the newly created bps.war directory.
  3. By default, HTTPS is disabled in JBoss. To enable this connection, uncomment the following entry in JBOSS_HOME\server\default\deploy\jbossweb.sar\server.xml and edit it accordingly. After updating the entry, it will show as follows. 


  1. If Carbon specific logs are to be displayed in the console, then copy BPS_HOME/lib/log4j.properties file in to bps.war/WEB-INF/classes folder.

  2. For WSO2 Business Process Servers versions before 2.0.2 (carbon 3.0.1 or former versions), WEB-INF folder can be found in BPS_HOME/webapps/ROOT directory.

  3. When specifying the keystoreFile parameter in the above entry, the absolute path to the key store should be provided and keystorePass should be the password for the keystore that is going to be used.

Step 3: Modify the configuration files

Once the configuration is done in JBoss, it's necessary to update the default configuration files in BPS so that it can be deployed on JBoss. Those configuration files are axis2.xml, carbon.xml, mgt-transports.xml, registry.xml and user-mgt.xml. Those files can be found in bps_repo/repository/conf folder and the following changes should also be done.

In axis2.xml:

In axis2.xml, the http port should be changed to 8080 (instead of default 9763). 

The https port should also be updated to 8443 (instead of default 9443) as follows:

In carbon.xml:

1. "WebContextRoot" in carbon.xml points to the webapp context root of the WSO2 Business Process Server. Update this value with the name given for the new folder created in JBOSS_HOME.

2. Backend server URL should be edited and a sample entry should be shown as follows:

In mgt-transports.xml:

The default http port for WSO2 BPS is 9763. This should be changed to 8080.

Also the default https port is 9443. It should be changed to 8443.

In registry.xml:

In registry.xml, the DB URL should be updated to reflect the new location of the default h2 database inside bps_repo/repository/database directory.The modified entry is shown below:

Note: When specifying the DB URL, the absolute path to the database location should be mentioned. 

In user-mgt.xml:

As it was done in registry.xml, DB URL in user-mgt.xml must be modified as follows:

Step 4: Copy necessary .jar files to JBoss lib

Copy the following .jar files in the BPS_HOME/lib/endorsed folder to the JBOSS_HOME/lib/endorsed directory

  1. xalan-2.7.0.wso2v1.jar

  2. xercesImpl-2.8.1.wso2v2.jar

  3. xml-apis-1.3.04.wso2v1.jar

In addition, h2-1.2.140.jar in the BPS_HOME/lib directory has to be copied to the JBOSS_HOME/common/lib folder. 

Step 5: Start JBoss application server

The configuration required for deploying WSO2 BPS on JBoss is now complete. Before starting JBoss, the CARBON_HOME environment variable must be defined as follows:

IN windows: set CARBON_HOME=C:\bps\bps_repo

In Linux      : export CARBON_HOME="/home/user/bps/bps_repo" 

Now, in the same shell, start JBoss with -b option using one of the commands mentioned below:

Windows : run.bat -b yourIP

Linux       : sh run.sh -b yourIP 

Once the server starts successfully, access the management console using https://yourIP:8443/bps/carbon.



Pavithra Madurangi

Software Engineer - Quality Assurance; WSO2, Inc.

[email protected]


About Author

  • Pavithra Madurangi
  • sse-qa
  • wso2