Architecture for Third Party Authorization Server Integration

Figure 1: OAuth2 client credentials generation in authorization server replacement
Figure 2: OAuth2 authorization server validates request and OAuth2 access token request in authorization server replacement
Figure 3: OIDC userinfo request in authorization server replacement
Figure 4: OAuth2 access token introspection in authorization server replacement
Figure 5: OAuth2 access token revocation in authorization server replacement
Figure 6: OAuth2 authorization request and OAuth2 access token request in authorization server proxying
Figure 7: OIDC userinfo request in authorization server proxying
Figure 8: OAuth2 token introspection request in authorization server proxying
Figure 9: OAuth2 token revocation request in authorization server proxying
Figure 10: Client credentials generation in third party Key Manager Integration
Figure 11: OAuth2 token introspection call in third party key manager integration


In an API management ecosystem, sometimes there are requirements for components from multiple vendors to work together:


Are You Ready for the CCPA?

Over the past few years, consumer data protection and privacy has become a hot topic in the consumer identity and access management (CIAM) domain. Owing to numerous new ways to aggregate personal data and the development of powerful analytical tools, the financial value of consumer data has skyrocketed within a short period.


Local Account Linking


In the article Identity Management Solution Patterns, we took a look at some of the reasons why organizations may need to continue to manage some parts of a digital identity under specific applications or services (relying parties or RPs), even if they are utilizing a centralized identity management system. In such cases, an important requirement is to establish the link between these related digital identities.


Consent Management for Open Banking

This article covers the basic concepts around consent management, tips for successful implementation, and how banks should prepare for it.


The CCPA and IAM: A Deep Dive

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which will come into effect on 1 January 2020, grants consumers new rights regarding the use and collection of their personal information. Since it is a must to comply, now is the right time to move into a CCPA-compliant solution. Gaining knowledge about the new law and how to use identity and access management (IAM), to be compliant with CCPA, will provide an advantage to select the right solution for your business.


How WSO2 Identity Server Helps with CCPA Compliance

In this article, we will discuss how WSO2 Identity Server helps your organization with CCPA compliance.


How Serverless Can Shape Enterprise Integration


With a serverless platform, a programmer can write business logic and directly run it in the cloud without worrying about hardware, operating systems, or servers. Consequently, developers can focus on the business logic in their applications, with minimal understanding of the underlying infrastructure, since these details are handled in the cloud. At the same time, serverless technology raises several natural questions: how it might change the technology landscape in general, and, more specifically, how it could impact integration?


Implementing a Successful Open Banking Architecture

Implementing a successful open banking architecture is critical for a bank to fully leverage the benefits of open banking. Everyone from your compliance officer to your open banking project manager to your CTO needs to have complete confidence in the open banking platform you choose. Your open banking architecture plays a large role in determining how effectively you open up your APIs, provide a seamless third-party experience and ultimately offer a better customer journey than that of your competitors.


Streaming Data Integration: The Evolution of ETL


The availability of accurate information on time is a crucial factor for a business to thrive. Organizations generate massive amounts of data about various activities and business operations they perform. However, data in raw format does not provide much value and it has to be processed using correct techniques to convert it into valuable information that’s beneficial to the business.
