WSO2Con2025 Logo

March 18-20 | Barcelona, Spaain

8 May, 2024

Less Is More: Utilizing Ballerina to Architect a Cloud Data Platform

At its core, the challenge of managing Human Resources data is an integration challenge: estimates range from 2-3 HR systems in use at a typical SMB, up to a few dozen systems implemented amongst enterprise HR departments, and these systems seldom integrate seamlessly between themselves. Providing a multi-tenant, cloud-native solution to integrate these hundreds of HR-related systems, normalize their disparate data models and then render that consolidated information for stakeholder decision making has been a substantial undertaking, but one significantly eased by leveraging Ballerina. In this session, we’ll cover:

  • The overall software architecture for VHR’s Cloud Data Platform
  • Critical decision points leading to adoption of Ballerina for the CDP
  • Ballerina’s role in multiple evolutionary steps to the current architecture
  • Roadmap for the CDP architecture and plans for Ballerina
  • WSO2’s partnership in bringing continual success for the CDP


Bennett Reddin

Bennett Reddin


Bennett M. Reddin is Founder and Chief Technology Officer at VisualizeHR, focused on Data Management across the plethora of Human Resource Management Systems. His HRIS expertise extends over 35 years from early PC-based HR systems to current Cloud Native architectures. Alternating between development and implementation, he has designed several HR and Payroll architectures for service bureaus and ERP vendors, then deployed those systems, improving toolsets and practices for implementation in the process. As enterprises large and small are evolving to 21st century business climates, Bennie has architected the AI-driven cloud data platform that allows agile Human Resources responsiveness to these climate changes.