3 Dec, 2014

OpenID to OpenID Connect Migration - Wednesday, December 03, 2014

  • Mohamed Usama Mansoor
  • Lead - Revenue Operations - WSO2

OpenID Connect has its roots in OAuth 2.0 and it has been developed under the OpenID Foundation. OAuth 2.0 is a framework for delegated authorization. There’s a misconception that it does authentication; however, OpenID Connect is the one built on top of OAuth 2.0 to do authentication.

Most major OpenID providers are due to discontinue OpenID support in the coming years. Google will shut down its OpenID service on April 20, 2015. Yahoo has hinted that it will follow suit by migrating to OpenID Connect.

OpenID 2.0 is incompatible with OpenID Connect - migration from OpenID 2.0 to OpenID Connect is not straightforward. In this webinar, Prabath Siriwardena, director of security architecture and Ishara Karunarathna, senior software engineer at WSO2, will guide you on how to carry out the migration in a painless manner with WSO2 Identity Server. They will cover the following areas:

  • OpenID 2.0
  • OpenID Connect
  • OpenID 2.0 vs. OpenID Connect
  • Migrating to OpenID Connect
Prabath Siriwardena Director - Security, WSO2 Prabath focuses on application security and identity management. In addition to his product development efforts, he has provided technology consulting on customer engagements. He is an Apache Project Management Committee member involved in the Apache Rampart and Axis projects. He also has more than three years of industry experience in Microsoft .NET technologies.
Ishara Karunarathna Senior Software Engineer, WSO2 Ishara is a Senior Software Engineer at WSO2. Holder of a Bsc Engineering degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa (Sri Lanka), Ishara implemented a framework to optimize Java bytecode in runtime for both multi core and many core environments as his final year research project. Ishara successfully completed the Google Summer of Code program in 2011 with Apache Software Foundation and has implemented xmlID support to Xerces2 Java Parser.
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About Author

  • Mohamed Usama Mansoor
  • Lead - Revenue Operations
  • WSO2