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10 Aug, 2018

[WSO2Con Asia 2018] Identity APIs is the New Black

  • WSO2 Team
  • Content Writer - WSO2

Identity APIs is the New Black

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Identity APIs is the New Black

Ishara Karunarathna Technical Lead, WSO2
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Nowadays, digital identities encompass not only of humans and other living beings but also of an exponentially growing number of devices. In addition to that, with the emergence of Customer IAM, including social login, it is imperative that identity related data are readily available to facilitate a seamless experience across multiple devices and thousands of interactions. Unavailability of those data could result in businesses easily losing their valuable customers to the competition. Even with traditional IAM, frequent mergers and acquisitions demand collaboration between heterogeneous identity systems, and the success of the businesses relies on that heavily.

The recipe behind a successful ecosystem, that fulfills the demands of the modern consumers and enterprises, involves the utilization of Identity APIs that are based on recognized standards. In this talk, Ishara will discuss how Identity APIs have evolved over the time to cater the consumer and enterprise requirements, and real-world scenarios where tough identity challenges have been successfully tackled by using them.


Ishara Karunarathna Technical Lead, WSO2

Ishara is a Technical lead and a key member in WSO2 Identity server. He has been part of the WSO2 Team for nearly 7 years. Ishara successfully completed the Google Summer of Code program in 2011 with Apache Software Foundation and has implemented xmlID support to Xerces2 Java Parser. Ishara has been involved in many customer engagements by providing solutions to their business requirements, especially in the identity and access management space. He has been involved in several internal and external webinars and has published several articles on Identity and access management.


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  • WSO2 Team
  • Content Writer
  • WSO2