[WSO2Con US 2013] APIs Everywhere: Turning All Services into Managed APIs

- WSO2Con2013 USA
- WSO2Con - WSO2
Are your SOA efforts paying off? How many services are being re-used? Are they really being managed to facilitate re-use?
A managed API has many faces; a solid functional implementation, a well-defined interface, documentation, subscription capabilities, and a standard model for authentication and authorization are some of them. A service-enabled functionality cannot go much further without the characteristics a managed API has. The need for subscription to use a service is hardly discussed in the SOA world. How well does that fit into today’s world of an app economy? What is the purpose of a service that is being re-used only once? And more importantly, how do you determine how and when it is being re-used? How can the life of an application developer be made easy with a unified API access model for application development? These are some key questions that prevail on architecture that follow SOA.
A managed API has more solid, standard answers to all of the above. In other words, it completes the picture the SOA promises to deliver.
Over the years, the WSO2 platform has developed the ability to service enable almost any business functionality of an enterprise. Now, we focus on how to convert these services into managed APIs.
In this talk, Sumedha will discuss
- Why API management and the promise of SOA go hand in hand
- How API management will be injected to every service creation capability within the WSO2 platform
- Its promise to end users
- What the new WSO2 platform will look like with API management everywhere
Senior Software Architec,Inc.
Sumedha focuses on development of the WSO2 Carbon Core, WSO2 Data Services, WSO2 Governance Registry, WSO2 Business Activity Monitor, and WSO2 API Manager. He has contributed to the successful implementation of data, SAP and repository-based integration projects, as well many WSO2 QuickStart development consulting engagements. He is an active committer with the Apache Axis2 project.