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March 18-20 | Barcelona, Spaain

3 Sep, 2014

[WSO2Con EU 2014] Case Study: How WSO2 supports Deutsche Telekom implementing an eCare platform including an intelligent emergency call system

  • WSO2Con EU 2014
  • ATL - WSO2

Within the strategic health group of Deutsche Telekom, several projects are on their way to build up an ecosystem of products and services in the area of ambient assisted living. They follow the growing demand in supporting elderly people to live a mostly self-determined life. For example these products include services regarding home automation, structuring of the day and connection to rescue control centers or home care nursing services. One very innovative product is an intelligent emergency call system which integrates a passive sensor based fall detection system and live video streaming. In this presentation Sven will show you the main concepts of the architecture which is mostly driven by a service oriented approach and incorporates most of the WSO2 products. Furthermore he will point out the important role that WSO2 middleware is playing to enable this eCare platform.


Sven-juergen Laemke
IT Architect, T-Systems International GmbH

Sven-juergen holds a M.Sc. in aeronautical engineering. Before joining T-Systems he worked as a naval officer on c4i systems. Fitted with experience of several IT projects with different customers and technologies he joined the project intelligent emergency call system in 2012 as chief architect. Besides his passion for developing software systems he is also interested in the areas of ALM tools & methods, DevOps and cloud technologies.


About Author

  • WSO2Con EU 2014
  • ATL
  • WSO2