12 Mar, 2017

[WSO2Con USA 2017] Rise to the Challenge with WSO2 Identity Server and WSO2 API Manager

  • WSO2 Team
  • Content Writer - WSO2

At Proximus, the Enabling Company initiative (EnCo, https://www.enabling.be) is building a comprehensive ecosystem to support the connected business. The initiative integrates Proximus' powerful telco assets and state-of-the-art networks to shape tomorrow's business. Proximus EnCo enables companies by connecting the dots between things, telecommunications, cloud and big data.

This session will explore how Realdolmen designed the architecture for the EnCo platform. It will discuss how

  • The core of the platform is powered by two key products from WSO2's offering: WSO2 API Manager and WSO2 Identity Server
  • These were specifically selected with the objective of realizing an ecosystem that should serve an API-driven economy, and support Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS)


Stefan Smeets, Enteprise Architect & Unit Manager, Realdolmen

Stefan leads the team of WSO2 solution architects and consultants in the Connected Company team at Realdolmen. He has 20 years of experience in programing, design and management and still provides consulting services to a number of customers. The Connected Company is all about building constructive business and communication networks. It is their solemn belief that successful organizations are good at building these networks. They don’t scare their customers with disruption, instead they want to help them with their reaction to disruption. How do they help their clients? By conceptualizing and building platform solutions to support their strategic services and initiatives, by helping them move into the digital age for their core services, by helping to pivot into new business models and by providing an innovative and adaptable solutions architecture. In short they provide options for their customers.


About Author

  • WSO2 Team
  • Content Writer
  • WSO2