Micro Integrator 4.3.0 is live! Try it today

Your Systems, United and Efficient

Connected systems make you faster, more efficient, and highly competitive. In today’s world of fast moving business, connectivity is power.

Integration Platform
Integration: Your Systems, United and Efficient

Over 60 Trillion Transactions Executed Annually
Over 350 customers globally.

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Why Choose WSO2 for Integration

AI-Powered Integration

Experience a new era of integration development with WSO2's AI-powered solutions. Let us help you unlock the full potential of your integrations, empower your developers, and streamline the entire integration development process.

AI for Integration

Seamless Connectivity

Integrate any system, API, and more with ease.

Flexible Development

Utilize low-code or pro-code options, enhanced by AI assistance.

Accelerated Development

Benefit from pre-built connectors and templates.

Advanced Data Transformation

Leverage powerful capabilities for data transformation.

Versatile Integration

Perfect for both microservice and ESB-style integration approaches.

Open Source

Enjoy the freedom and transparency of 100% open source technology.

The WSO2 Integration Platform

Integration Technologies

  • Low-Code

    Create your integrations using a low-code graphical designing experience using WSO2 Micro Integrator.

  • Pro-Code

    Write your integrations in pro-code using Ballerina, the only language with integration-friendly abstractions.

  • Monitoring and Management

    Monitor and manage all your integration deployments from a single control plane using the WSO2 Integration Control Plane.

Deployment Options

  • SaaS

    Deploy and run all your automations, event integrations, and integration microservices in our multi-cloud SaaS, Choreo.

  • ESB

    Deploy WSO2 Micro Integrator as a centralized ESB and operate an integration center of excellence.

  • Microservices

    Create your integration microservices in low-code with WSO2 Micro Integrator or in pro-code with Ballerina and run them anywhere.