30 Aug, 2007

Running the WSO2 Application Server on Apache Geronimo

  • Davanum Srinivas
  • - WSO2


WSO2 Web Services Application Server 2.0 (WSAS)'s Servlet Edition supports
many of the well known Application servers like IBM Websphere, BEA Weblogic
and Redhat's JBoss. The install process does support the older Apache
Geronimo 1.1.1 version. This article is an effort to enumerate the steps
required to install WSAS 2.0 on the latest Geronimo 2.0.1



Please download the following zip's from the Apache web site and unzip


Create a WSO2WSAS war for use with Geronimo

Run the install.bat file in wso2wsas directory and select the
Generic Server option, also specify a temporary directory in
which the installer can create the war. Here's a transcript (includes prompts
and responses). Please note that WSAS needs a directory to work off of (for
configuration, database etc) and we chose C:\GERONIMO-WSAS. We also choose
C:\GERONIMO-WSAS\TEMP as the directory to place the generated war

Depending on the operating system you are using, you should see a screen
similar to this:


#                                                         #
#               WSO2 WSAS v2.0 Installation               #
#                                                         #
Using Java Home : C:\JDK15
Please select your installation mode : [1/2]
1) WSO2 WSAS Servlet Container Installation
2) WSO2 WSAS Eclipse WTP Plugins Installation
: 1
Selection: WSO2 WSAS Servlet Container Installation
WSO2 WSAS Home directory is where the WSO2 WSAS database, conf files, logs, and module & service repository will reside.
Please enter the WSO2 WSAS Home directory [C:\Users\dims\.wso2wsas]:C:\GERONIMO-WSAS
[echo] Creating WSO2 WSAS Home at C:\GERONIMO-WSAS...
Total time: 1 minute 23 seconds
Please select your application server:
1. Tomcat Server
2. JBoss Server
3. Geronimo Server
4. Generic Server
: 4
Installing on Generic Server...
Starting Generic installation...
Please enter your Application Server's WAR file deployment directory : C:\GERONIMO-WSAS\TEMP
C:\GERONIMO-WSAS\TEMP does not exist. Create new directory? (y/n) y
Serializing wso2wsas.properties file ...
Creating wso2wsas.properties file...
Creating Web Archive...
Copying "wso2wsas.war" to "C:\GERONIMO-WSAS\TEMP"
WSO2 WSAS Servlet Edition installation was successful.
Please configure your J2EE app-server configuration files as described in the README.txt file.
Total time: 3 seconds
Press any key to continue . . .

Replace hibernate jar in wso2wsas.war

The version of hibernate in WSAS is not usable under Geronimo, So let's
upgrade to the newer one. Here's a few command snippets:

C:\GERONIMO-WSAS\TEMP>jar -xvf wso2wsas.war
C:\GERONIMO-WSAS\TEMP>del WEB-INF\lib\hibernate-3.1.3.jar
C:\GERONIMO-WSAS\TEMP>copy c:\download\hibernate-3.2\hibernate3.jar WEB-INF\lib
C:\GERONIMO-WSAS\TEMP>del wso2wsas.war
C:\GERONIMO-WSAS\TEMP>jar -cvf wso2wsas.war *

Edit the WSAS Configuration to set the HTTP and HTTPS ports for

Please edit C:\GERONIMO-WSAS\conf\server.xml and replace the following

Uncomment this section and provide the correct HTTP port
in the case of a generic server installation

with this one


That's it folks! You can then point your browser to https://localhost:8080/axis2/ to
verify if all's well.

Start the Geronimo Server

Here's how we start the geronimo server with a simple run command:

C:\geronimo-jetty6-jee5-2.0.1\bin>geronimo run
Using GERONIMO_BASE:   C:\geronimo-jetty6-jee5-2.0.1
Using GERONIMO_HOME:   C:\geronimo-jetty6-jee5-2.0.1
Using GERONIMO_TMPDIR: var\temp
Using JRE_HOME:        C:\JDK15\jre
Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java 1.5.0_11)...
Starting Geronimo Application Server v2.0.1
[*******************************] 100%  55s Startup complete
Listening on Ports:
1050 CORBA Naming Service
1099   RMI Naming
1527   Derby Connector
2001 OpenEJB ORB Adapter
4201   OpenEJB Daemon
6882 OpenEJB ORB Adapter
8009   Jetty Connector AJP13
8080   Jetty SelectChannel Connector HTTP
8443   Jetty Select Channel Connector HTTPS
9999   JMX Remoting Connector
61613   ActiveMQ Transport Connector
61616   ActiveMQ Transport Connector
Started Application Modules:
EAR: org.apache.geronimo.configs/webconsole-jetty6/2.0.1/car
RAR: org.apache.geronimo.configs/activemq-ra/2.0.1/car
RAR: org.apache.geronimo.configs/system-database/2.0.1/car
WAR: org.apache.geronimo.configs/dojo-jetty6/2.0.1/car
WAR: org.apache.geronimo.configs/remote-deploy-jetty/2.0.1/car
WAR: org.apache.geronimo.configs/welcome-jetty/2.0.1/car
Web Applications:
Geronimo Application Server started

Create the Data Sources Needed by WSAS

Creating data sources involves deploying a plan in Geronimo parlance.
Here's the plan XML that needs to be deployed. Please make sure you set the
directory path correctly in the ConnectionURL parameter.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<connector xmlns="https://geronimo.apache.org/xml/ns/j2ee/connector-1.2">
<dep:environment xmlns:dep="https://geronimo.apache.org/xml/ns/deployment-1.2">
<config-property-setting name="Password">wso2wsas</config-property-setting>
<config-property-setting name="Driver">org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver</config-property-setting>
<config-property-setting name="UserName">wso2wsas</config-property-setting>
<config-property-setting name="ConnectionURL">jdbc:derby:C:/GERONIMO-WSAS/database/WSO2WSAS_DB</config-property-setting>

Once you have edited the plan, save it as
C:\GERONIMO-WSAS\wso2wsas-db-plan.xml and run the following command (The
Deployed line is the output from Geronimo):

C:\geronimo-jetty6-jee5-2.0.1>java -jar bin/deployer.jar --user system --password manager deploy C:\GERONIMO-WSAS\wso2wsas-db-plan.xml repository\org\tranql\tranql-connector-ra\1.3\tranql-connector-ra-1.3.rar
Deployed org.wso2.wsas/wso2wsas_db/1.0/rar

Deploy the wso2wsas war

Now we are ready to deploy the WSO2WSAS war as shown below:

C:\geronimo-jetty6-jee5-2.0.1>java -jar bin/deployer.jar --user system --password manager deploy c:\GERONIMO-WSAS\TEMP\wso2wsas.war
Deployed org.wso2.wsas/war/1.1/war @ /wso2wsas
Deployed org.apache.geronimo.configs/axis/2.0.1/car
Deployed org.apache.geronimo.configs/cxf/2.0.1/car

That's it!

Please point your browser to https://localhost:8443/wso2wsas/ and login as


The Apache Axis2 war distribution and Geronimo's stripped down little-G
distribution is a very handy combination for deploying Axis2 based Web


Applies To

1. Axis2 1.3 / Geronimo 2.0.1


More Information

old version of the little-G documentation


About Author

  • Davanum Srinivas
  • WSO2 Inc.