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Introduction to WSDL2.0

In this presentation by Dimuthu Leelarathne, she explains what's new in WSDL 2.0


Installing WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) with Oracle

Configuring ESB to support oracle DB requires only few steps. ESB create it's all the underlying DB tables automatically by itself with given database options.


Create a Simple Data Service with WSO2 Data Services

This tutorial from Chamara Silva describes, how you create a simple data service using the WSO2 Data Services.


Debugging Axis2/C Services and Clients

In this tutorial, Supun Kamburugamuva illustrates debugging Apache Axis2/C services and clients in both Windows and Linux platforms under different deployment scenarios.


Common Pitfalls in Deploying Axis2/C in Apache Server

One of the main deployment scenarios of Apache Axis2/C is with Apache Web Server. Best performance and stability can be gained by deploying Axis2/C in Apache. When deployed in Apache server, Axis2/C uses the memory pools supplied by Apache and guarantees zero memory leaks. Also due to custom memory implementation Axis2/C can perform up to its maximum.


WSO2 Identity Solution – Implementation of a CardSpace Authentication Framework

WSO2 Identity Solution is an implementation of Microsoft CardSpace specification. It can issue InfoCards based OpenID tokens, SAML security tokens and pure OpenIDs. Dimuthu Leelarathne in this white paper describes how CardSpace Specification was implemented by the WSO2security team.


Adding Persistence to Synapse - The Queuing Model

This article by Danushka Menikkumbura illustrates adding persistance to the Apache Synapse ESB [1].


How to Setup WSO2 WSF/PHP Build Environment on Windows XP

This tutorial from Dushshantha Chandradasa guides you through the steps you need to follow, to setup a build environment for WSO2 WSF/PHP on Windows XP.


Bring Legacy Data To Your Mashups With The WSO2 Mashup Server

The mashup community considers spreadsheets to be one of the first mashup creation platforms that saw light. In this tutorial by Tyrell Perera, you will find, how to mashup data from a legacy source like a spreadsheet with one of Web 2.0's famous innovations, the personal blog. 

