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Adding Persistence to Synapse - The Queuing Model

This article by Danushka Menikkumbura illustrates adding persistance to the Apache Synapse ESB [1].


How to Setup WSO2 WSF/PHP Build Environment on Windows XP

This tutorial from Dushshantha Chandradasa guides you through the steps you need to follow, to setup a build environment for WSO2 WSF/PHP on Windows XP.


Bring Legacy Data To Your Mashups With The WSO2 Mashup Server

The mashup community considers spreadsheets to be one of the first mashup creation platforms that saw light. In this tutorial by Tyrell Perera, you will find, how to mashup data from a legacy source like a spreadsheet with one of Web 2.0's famous innovations, the personal blog. 


Understanding Axiom Text Manipulation APIs

Axiom captures all the information items found inside an XML. Text content being one of the most important information components within an XML document, Axiom provides multiple ways of extracting that information. This tutorial explains all if such text manipulation methods, to allow users implement the most appropriate method depending on the context or requirement.


Developing Financial Applications with the WSO2 ESB

This article by Asanka Abeysinghe describes how the WSO2 ESB can be used to develop financial applications, specifically, an entire broker trading platform. The article will take a real world example (the architecture of a broker trading system without the WSO2 ESB), re-architect the application to include the WSO2 ESB, explaining the design in detail.


Understand the Famous "Did not understand MustUnderstand header(s)" Error

This article by Eran Chinthaka describes the requirement of understanding the mustUnderstand SOAP header property in designing and implementing Web services.

Both SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 specifications enable you to use mustUnderstand attributes with SOAP headers. Not handling these headers properly is a common concern during Web service interactions.


Deploying a Python Service on Axis2

Apache Axis2/Java, is a popular open source Web service engine. It currently supports exposing services written in Java, Javascript and Ruby as Web services. This article by Heshan Suriyaarachchi discusses the Python data Binding that enable exposing Web services written in Python.

First, we will look at the architecture of this solution and the related technologies. Then we will be going into details on writing a service in Python. Those of you who wish to skip the implementation details can go directly to  Writing a Service in Python section.


How to Change the Default WSAS SSL Certificate

This tutorial shows you how to replace the default SSL certificate that comes with the WSO2 Web Services Application Server, with a self signed or certification authority signed SSL certificate.


How to Deploy Axis2 in JBoss

In this concise guide, we will look at how to deploy the Axis2 Web archive distribution inside the JBoss Application Server.


Adding InfoCard Log In to a J2EE Web Application

This article by Dimuthu Leelarathne describes how to introduce CardSpace authentication to J2EE Web applications using WSO2's Identity Solution.

