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Asynchronous Web Services Invocation - By Eran Chinthaka

Eran Chinthaka in his podcast talks to Oxygen Tank on what asynchronous Web services invocation is and why it is required in Web Services. He goes on to explain how it is being implemented in Axis2, Apache's Web Services engine, and why it was required to switch to asynchronous Web services from WS Invocation Framework that was used prior.


How to Run WSO2 WSAS as a Unix Daemon

Question:How can I run WSO2 WSAS as a daemon service on my Unix system? I would like to be able to start/stop/restart my WSAS instance as follows:


Data Sources as Web Services - Kyle Gabhart

Kyle Gabhart in his article on O'Reilly introduces WSO2 Data Services, a new feature available in WSO2's WSAS 2.0 platform,  (the latest release being version 2.1). He will begin by introducing Data Services, examining their architecture and utilization, and then exploring pros and cons of this convenient feature.


How to Enable Either Configuration Management or Context Replication in a WSAS Cluster?

With respect to clustering, WSO2 WSAS supports both configuration management and context replication. Configuration management is also synonymous with node management. Configuration management provides functionality to configure and maintain multiple WSAS instances possibly running on different machines identically.


Mashing up a National Geographic Photo of the Day Feed

In this article, Jonathan Marsh describes how he used the WSO2 Mashup Server to create a feed from the National Geographic site's 'Photo of the Day' to create a screensaver for his computer.


Running WSO2 WSAS on an IBM WebSphere Application Server

In this tutorial, Upul Godage shows you how to successfully integrate the WSO2 Web Services Application Server with the IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1.


WSO2 WSAS URL-based Repository

When WSO2 WSAS is deployed in a production environment, in some cases, it may make use of a URL based repository, instead of the default file system based repository. This article by Afkham Azeez, manager of WSO2 WSAS project, addresses all of the concerns one may encounter during the creation & configuration of a URL based repository with WSO2 WSAS.


How to change the HTTP & HTTPS ports of WSO2 WSAS?

Question: The default WSO2 WSAS HTTP & HTTPS ports are 9762 & 9443 respectively. I want to change these ports to different ones. What needs to be done?


Develop Asynchronous Web Services with Axis2 - Eran Chinthaka

The implementation and invocation of asynchronous Web services is important to application development. UIs, which expose functionalities of Web services, have become increasingly interactive. As a result, asynchronous invocations and implementations have become more useful and effective, ultimately helping provide a better overall user experience. This article gives you an overview of different patterns for asynchronous scenarios in Web services and provides insight into how to implement them with Apache Axis2.


How to Set up WSO2 WSAS in Eclipse using Maven2?

Q:How do I Set up WSO2 WSAS in Eclipse IDE for My Development needs ?

A: Lets Imagine an open source fanatic developer (Richard Stole), who would love to contribute to WSO2 Web Services Application Server project by adding new features, fixing bugs or even customizing it to suit his needs etc.

