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Why Should You Consider Ballerina for Your Next Integration

In today’s digital transformation projects, many organizations are finding that traditional low-code integration platforms are becoming bottlenecks. As a result, there is a growing shift towards code-based integration approaches. However, it’s crucial to recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all solution.


Low-Code Integration Tooling

We're excited to introduce the brand-new Micro Integrator extension for VSCode, designed to transform the development experience within the WSO2 Micro Integrator ecosystem. Discover the innovative features we've integrated into this extension and learn how it can enhance your Micro Integrator development process. Join us as we explore the possibilities!"


Simplified Integration: Unveiling the Latest Features in WSO2 Low-Code Integration Products

Discover the evolution of WSO2 integration products, showcasing their renowned and battle-tested runtime, refined through thousands of deployments over a decade. In 2024, we're undergoing a transformative shift, prioritizing an enhanced development experience while maintaining the robustness of the runtime.


WSO2's IAM Vision: Identity-Led Digital Transformation

With the exponential increase in cyber threats, following an identity-first approach to security is gaining traction. Identity-first security is also center-stage within organizational digital transformation initiatives, as it not only improves security, but also helps improve customer CX and UX across all digital initiatives.


GitOps in Action: Navigating Application Deployment in the Platformless Landscape

Platformless environments, exemplified by internal developer platforms (IDeVPs), offer a unique opportunity to shift from traditional infrastructure management to application-centric automation.

This session is a deep-dive into the world of GitOps, showcasing its effective application in platformless environments to streamline deployments, amplify agility, and foster collaborative excellence.


Software Delivery in Hybrid Environments

This session delves into the fuzzy world of software delivery in hybrid and multi-cloud environments and explores what it takes to design and engineer a platform that can empower development teams to efficiently and securely deliver value in complex infrastructures.


From Code To Cloud: Fast Track Your Cloud Native Journey with Choreo

As organizations rush towards cloud-first strategies, building agile, scalable applications becomes the new imperative. But, navigating the cloud native landscape has its challenges.

