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9 Jul, 2015

[WSO2Con EU 2015] An Introduction to the WSO2 Data Analytics Platform

  • WSO2Con Europe 2015
  • WSO2Con - WSO2
Archived Content
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Srinath Perera Ph. D, Vice President – Research, WSO2

Srinath is the Vice President of Research at WSO2 Inc. He is a long-standing open source contributor. Srinath is a co-founder of Apache Axis2 (open source Web Service engine), a member of the Apache Software foundation and Committer for Apache Geronimo (J2EE Engine) and Apache Airavata. Srinath has been working with large-scale distributed systems and parallel computing for about 10 years and is a co-architect behind WSO2’s Complex Event Processing Engine. Srinath has authored two books about MapReduce, many technical articles (e.g. at IBM Developerworks, InfoQ) and 20+ peer-reviewed articles. He received his B.Sc. from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, in 2004 and his Ph.D. from Indiana University, Bloomington, USA in 2009.


About Author

  • WSO2Con Europe 2015
  • WSO2Con
  • WSO2