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March 18-20 | Barcelona, Spaain

18 Feb, 2016

[WSO2Con Asia 2016] Tutorial - WSO2 DevOps: How to Deploy, Manage, Administer and Monitor WSO2 Products

  • WSO2Con ASIA 2016
  • WSO2Con - WSO2


Sanjaya Ratnaweera,
Associate Technical Lead, WSO2

Sanjaya is a part of the WSO2 Cloud team. Prior to joining the Cloud team Sanjaya worked in the Apache Axis2/C project. He is a committer and a project management committee member of Apache Axis2/C project. His experience spans from developing software for more accurate density functional theory calculations, to Sinhala text to speech translators. Sanjaya worked at department of computational mathematics and physics for four years at the Institute of Fundamental Studies.

Chathura Kulasinghe,
Solutions Engineer, WSO2

Chathura currently works in the Solutions Architecture team at WSO2. During the course of his career at WSO2, he has also been involved in the research and development of WSO2 App Factory. Prior to joining WSO2, Chathura worked on designing and implementing enterprise solutions related to the banking industry, obtaining experience on working with different technologies such as IBM, Oracle, Microsoft middleware and near-field-communication (Sony Felica based) platforms.


About Author

  • WSO2Con ASIA 2016
  • WSO2Con
  • WSO2