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March 18-20 | Barcelona, Spain

18 Feb, 2016

[WSO2Con Asia 2016] Tutorial - WSO2 Integration Platform Deep Dive

  • WSO2Con ASIA 2016
  • WSO2Con - WSO2


Malaka Silva,
Senior Technical Lead, WSO2

Malaka is a part of the WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus team. He has experience in developing solutions using J2EE and frameworks for the aviation industry. Prior to WSO2, he was working for John Keells Computer Service and ABSI ( He is a Sun certified Java programmer and a Salesforce certified advanced developer.

Isuru Udana,
Associate Technical Lead, WSO2

Isuru began as an intern at WSO2 in 2010, where he contributed towards the initial development of WSO2 Developer Studio and now is a part of the WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus team. He is a committer and a PMC member for the Apache Synapse open source ESB project. He is a founding member of the Siddhi Complex Event Processing Engine which is now shipped with the WSO2 CEP server. Isuru has successfully completed a Google Summer of Code Program where he worked on a project under the Eclipse Foundation.


About Author

  • WSO2Con ASIA 2016
  • WSO2Con
  • WSO2