[WSO2Con EU 2016] Advance Information Access Control System for Mobile Devices Based on WSO2 Architecture

- WSO2Con Europe 2016
- WSO2Con - WSO2
Fidel Paniagua Diez is currently working towards a PhD in Computer Security at Carlos III University of Madrid in the Evalues laboratory. His current research area focuses on advanced access control models. Previously, his research area was mainly centered around designing, developing and evaluating secure communication systems. He is also a Certified Ethical Hacker and a Certified Security Analyst.
Javier Ruiz is currently in the last year of his Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering at Carlos III University of Madrid. He has won the 2015 award of programming Android applications at Carlos III University of Madrid. He has also obtained a research scholarship at the Evalues IT Security Laboratory at Carlos III University of Madrid since 2015. His main tasks within the laboratory has been related to Android application programing and communications and information security.