[WSO2Con EU 2017] The Effects of Microservices on Corporate IT Strategy

- WSO2 Team
- Content Writer - WSO2
When organizations embark on digital transformation, there are key things that will add value and shape to their journey - the ability to react fast to market conditions, innovate rapidly, and market quickly among others. To this end, a mircoservice architecture (MSA) will aid organizations by increasing their agility. However, they also need to relook at their strategy and the way they operate to gain full advantage of an MSA. Starting from how the teams work, how the infrastructure is managed, what kind of continuous delivery methodologies are used, and how the microservices are monitored and supported need to be considered.
This session will discuss the impact of microservices on an organization's overall IT strategy, focusing on the benefits of adopting an MSA as well as the challenges and how to address these.

Shankar oversees WSO2’s engineering efforts that are focused on developing middleware platform capabilities. He has provided technology consulting on customer engagements, including cloud, distributed systems, enterprise integration, governance, and security solutions. Shankar is an Apache Software Foundation member and committer in various Apache projects. He has extensive knowledge in cloud computing, service-oriented architecture, security, governance, enterprise integration, and telecommunication billing systems.