WSO2Con2025 Logo

March 18-20 | Barcelona, Spaain

2 May, 2017

[WSO2Con USA 2017] Building Enterprise Grade IoT Architectures for Digital Transformation with WSO2 IoT Server

  • WSO2 Team
  • Content Writer - WSO2

IoT and mobile computing are at the heart of many organizations’ digital transformation initiatives. Together, these technologies are enabling enterprises to innovate new business models and solutions that enhance customer and partner interactions, optimize supply chain logistics, and improve operational efficiency. Implementing a scalable and extensible IoT architecture is key for this transformation.

WSO2 IoT Server offers an extensible framework for device manufacturers to write plugins for various types of devices they wish to integrate with. Data gathered from devices can be processed with batch and real-time analytics and this data can even be fed into a prediction engine. Devices can be exposed as managed APIs for integration. On top these, it offers a complete enterprise mobility management (EMM/MDM/MAM) solution for enterprises looking to manage employees’ mobile devices.

This talk will give you an introduction to the key capabilities of WSO2 IoT Server and discusses how it can be extended to build a scalable IoT architecture.


Sumedha Rubasinghe, Director – API Architecture, WSO2

Sumedha is part of the team that spearheads architecture efforts on the conceptualization and enhancement of WSO2’s IoT offerings. Previously, he contributed to the successful implementation of data, SAP and repository-based integration projects, as well as many WSO2 quickstart development consulting engagements. He is an active committer in the Apache Axis2 project.


About Author

  • WSO2 Team
  • Content Writer
  • WSO2