31 Aug, 2011

How to Run Apache Axis2 WebApp on WSO2 Cloud

  • Anuradha Dissanayake
  • - WSO2


Applies To

StratosLive 1.5.1


  1. Apache Axis2 Web archive (.war) distribution
  2. A tenant created on WSO2 StratosLive cloud computing platform


  1. Introduction
  2. Apache Axis2 WebApp 
  3. Registering a Tenant on WSO2 PaaS
  4. Upload Apache Axis2 Web Application onto WSO2 PaaS
  5. Try Apache Axis2 Web Application Deployed on Cloud Java PaaS 


WSO2 StratosLive, Platform as a service(PaaS) offers you a range of middleware products that facilitate public Java application deployments on WSO2 Cloud Platform. Among the middleware services, Application Server is one of the services that are available to the tenants in Stratoslive. It provides facilities for deploying Apache Tomcat based Java Web applications as well as Java Web services on to the cloud. In this article, we are going to see how a sample Web application, namely, Apache Axis2 Web application can be deployed as it is into the cloud. 

Apache Axis2 WebApp

Here, we are going to deploy Axis2 Framework as a web application on cloud. 

  1. First of all we have to download Apache Axis2 latest release
  2. You can see various distributions of Apache Axis2 on the download page, and among them, we select WAR(Web Archive) distribution for our purpose
  3. This will be the Web application of Apache Axis2, which we can deploy in servlet containers or application servers like WSO2 Application Server
  4. Download the Axis2 WAR Zip file and unzip and get axis2.war



Registering a Tenant on WSO2 PaaS

  1. Instead of deploying our web application on an onpremise Apache Tomcat, we choose WSO2 Application Server as a Service on Stratoslive. This is utilizing Apache Tomcat underneath and provides you a flexible, secure, reliable and easier way to deploy and run your Web applications
  2. Go to WSO2 StratosLive                         


First, to deploy our web application on StratosLive, we have to register a tenant       

4. Pick a suitable domain name for your organization (or just a sample domain name, for a demo account, to try this application on the cloud) 

 5. Fill the contact details, with a valid email address, and with an admin user name and password. Submit the form. 



 6.  Now we have registered our tenant. Once a tenant is successfully registered, an email will be sent to the provided mail address, which will validate the email, and grant access to the created account. 

7. When the email is validated, we can simply go to the login page and login using [email protected] where username is the admin user name provided when you registered, and Domainname is the domain name picked when you registered.  

8. Once we login, we are given the list of PaaS services that are active for the tenant 


Upload Apache Axis2 Web Application onto WSO2 PaaS

  1. Select Application Server out of the services listed in the cloud dashboard


 2. Go to Manage -> Web Applications -> Add, on the left menu



 3. Click on Choose File button and select your axis2.war file on your local file system and click Upload button 


 4. Once the upload is successfull, it shows the uploaded Axis2 Web application in the Web applications list as below. You can go to the list of Web application by going to
Manage -> Web Applications -> List, on the left menu


 5. Click on Web application's context name and it takes you to the Web application's dashboard, which gives details on uploaded Web application as follows



Try Apache Axis2 Web Application Deployed on Cloud Java PaaS 

 1. Now click on go to URL under the 'actions' field in the Web applications table on Web applications list page, or simply click on 'Context' link on Web application's dashboard

 2. If our Web application successfully deployed you can see the page below. Note that, if your tenant domain name is example.com, then the URL of the Web application deloyed on the public cloud is: https://appserver.stratoslive.wso2.com/t/example.com/webapps/axis2   


 3. Now we can easily browse this deployed web application to interact with Axis2 web services  



This article gives you a brief idea on how to deploy Apache Axis2 as a Web application on WSO2 cloud Java PaaS. Deploying existing regular Web applications as they are onto the cloud and make them cloud enabled applications is one of the services provides by WSO2 StratosLive Application Server. There is comprehensive support for the development, deployment and management of Web services and Web applications in public open cloud platform.



Anuradha Dissanayake, Intern, WSO2 Inc.






About Author

  • Anuradha Dissanayake
  • WSO2