Sample Questions

Target Market, Buyers and Buying Process

Which is the best indicator for a good CIAM prospect?

  • a) They have revenue greater than $5 Billion.
  • b) They currently have a customer portal and mobile app.
  • c) They are in the retail vertical market.
  • d) In their IT strategy, they prefer cloud-based or SaaS applications.

IAM Products

Which products offer a pay-as-you-go licensing model?

  • a) Asgardeo
  • b) Identity Server
  • c) Private Identity Cloud
  • d) All of the above

Sales Cycle

What is the most likely reason customers may be frustrated with their current CIAM vendor during contract renewal?

  • a) Change of account rep.
  • b) Price increases.
  • c) Difficult to get prompt support.
  • d) All of the above


The Asgardeo "Essentials" product tier is available for which use case(s)?

  • a) B2C
  • b) B2B
  • c) B2E
  • d) All of the above