WSO2Con2025 Logo

March 18-20 | Barcelona, Spaain


Customer Stories


As an ADI and data holder, WSO2 Open Banking offers end-to-end open banking capabilities. WSO2 was able to offer a retrofitted solution to align to AMP requirements instead of duplicating a full set of capabilities at an increased cost. WSO2 Open Banking's componentized architecture and degree of flexibility, banks can customize deployments to their specific needs.

The following components were used in AMP's solution: WSO2 OB API Micro Gateway (OB API MGW) is used along with WSO2 OBBI, WSO2 Traffic Manager, WSO2 API Manager 3.2.0, and WSO2 IS-KM 5.10.0, as well as WSO2 Micro Integrator (WSO2 MI). All of the components are deployed on AWS Public Cloud. For the API Publisher, Dev Portal, and Admin Portals, AMP’s API control plane uses vanilla WSO2 API Manager 3.2.0 and WSO2 IS-KM for the key management interface, which performs token introspection against AMP's identity and access management stack. WSO2 Traffic Manager is used API throttling and rate limits, and finally, WSO2 OBBI is utilized for API analytics and runtime statistics calculations for metrics.

On AWS, AMP manages the deployment of all the control plain elements. WSO2's Official Docker Repository was used to download individual OB MGW Docker Containers, which were then hosted on AWS's Elastic Compute Resource (ECS). Since they had already downloaded the base Docker images that were previously hosted in the AMP ECR and added configurations, certificates, and key stores relevant to each OB MGW, the AMP integration team created the Docker images for the AMP OBs and uploaded them to another ECR repository for use. AWS ECS service with AWS Fargate launch type is used by the AMP integration team to launch the Docker instances.

An OB MGW Container is a logically isolated set of business APIs that are deployed together, such as,

  • Accounts
  • Balances
  • Transactions
  • Payees
  • Payments
  • Direct-Debits

With Fargate launch type being used for all OB MGW containers, AMP reaps the full benefits of its serverless nature. As a Container Orchestration Service, AWS ECS is used by AMP to reduce the number of manual interventions required to keep the container platforms operational. WSO2 OB MGW Containers are seamlessly integrated with AWS ECS and AWS Fargate Services.

Journey to Open Banking Compliance: AMP Bank Case Study

WSO2 Open Banking solution played a significant role in AMP's success story of achieving compliance with the Australian Consumer Data Rights Regime and meeting the compliance deadline well ahead of schedule. The solution was further able to consolidate existing capabilities into a set of APIs and expose them to partners and subsidiaries on the same platform without the need for additional infrastructure, developer experience, or investment.”

Seema Naik, Head of Tech, Group & Integration Platform

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