Natural language-based code generation, automatic data mapping, automating test case generation, and more.
Augment developer capabilities and automate manual repetitive tasks with WSO2’s AI-powered integration technology. Boost developer satisfaction and productivity, and develop integrations faster, easier, better with a modern approach to integration development.
Explore WSO2 IntegratorDescribe your integration requirements in natural language, and have AI generate the code for you.
Automatically map data fields between the source and target schemas using AI. Transform data from any format using a graphical interface or scripting.
AI-powered test framework to automatically generate test cases. Visual capabilities to enhance debugging and issue identification.
Automatically document code functionality according to a standardized format.
Conversational chatbot to scan product documentation and other relevant sources to quickly find and present information.
Automatically create basic code structures, such as files, directories, and initial code snippets, based on predefined criteria.
WSO2’s revolutionary approach to integration development empowers developers to switch between low-code and pro-code on one technology, with no restrictions.
Want to learn how?
Contact UsAccelerate development by leveraging a large and expanding library of pre-built connectors and templates, or by quickly generating your own custom connectors.
Develop your integrations in pro-code using the only language with integration-friendly abstractions.
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