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17 Apr, 2014

Demystifying WSO2 ESB Pass-Through Transport - Part I

  • Kasun Indrasiri
  • Director - Integration Technologies - WSO2

Applies to

WSO2 ESB 4.8.x

Table of contents


This series of articles will provide an in depth analysis of WSO2 ESB’s Pass-Through Transport architecture for any advanced user
who is interested in learning about Pass-Through Transport in detail.

The main objective of Part 1 of the article is to cover all the required fundamentals related to the architecture and the implementation of
Pass-Through Transport.

Why non-blocking IO

A typical server application, such as a web server, needs to process thousands of request concurrently. Therefore, the
modern web server needs to meet the following requirements.

  • Handling of thousands of connections simultaneously (significant number of connections may be in idle state as well)
  • Handling high latency connections
  • Request/response handling needs to be decoupled
  • Minimize latency, maximize throughput and avoiding unnecessary CPU cycles

Hence, to cater to such requirements, there can be several possibilities in the server application architecture.

  • Having a pool of sockets for each client, and periodically polling them: This is the most straightforward approach;
    however, it is more or less impractical without non-blocking sockets. This is extremely inefficient and never
    scales with the increasing number of connections.
  • Thread per socket: This is the conventional approach and was initially used in some applications and this is the only practical
    solution with blocking sockets. Having thread per each client connection has several drawbacks, such as a large amount of
    overhead with the thread scheduling. Another flaw in this approach is that as the number of connections/client increases,
    we need to increase the number of threads as well. Therefore, this too hardly scales.
  • Readiness selection: It is the ability to choose a socket that will not block when read or
    written. This is a very efficient way of handling thousands of concurrent clients and scales well.

The readiness selection approach was originally presented as an object behavioral pattern by Schmidt [1]
under ‘Reactor: An Object Behavioral Pattern for Demultiplexing and Dispatching Handles for Synchronous Events’ paper. Therefore, in
order to understand the readiness selection better, we need to take a closer look at the Reactor pattern.

Reactor pattern

The reactor design pattern was introduced as a general architecture to implement event-driven systems. In order to solve our
original problem of implementing a server application that can handle thousands of simultaneous client connections, Reactor
pattern provides a way in which we can listen to the events (incoming connections/requests) with a synchronous demultiplexing
strategy, so that when an incoming event occurs, it is dispatched to a service provider (handler) that can handle this event.

Let's have a detailed look at each key participants in Reactor pattern, which are depicted in the following class diagram.

In the reactor pattern, the initiation dispatcher is the most crucial component. Often this is also known as the ‘Reactor’. For each
type of service that the server application offers, it introduces a separate event handler that can process that particular
event type. All these event handlers are registered with the initiation dispatcher. Initiation dispatcher uses a demultiplexer
that can listen to all the incoming events and notify the initiation dispatcher accordingly. The demultiplexer uses ‘handles’ to
identify the events that occur on a given resource, such as network connection. Handles are often used to identify OS managed resources,
such as network connections, open files, etc.

The behavior of demultiplexer is synchronous such that it blocks on waiting for events to occur on a set of handlers. However, once the
event occurs, it simply notifies the initiation dispatcher and it will hand over the event to the respective concrete event handler


Handle identifies resources that are managed by the operating system, such as network connections, open files, etc. Handles are
used by demultiplexer to wait on the events to occur on handles.


Demultiplexer works in synchronous mode to waiting on the events to occurs on the handlers. This is a synchronous blocking behavior, but this only blocks when we do not have events queued up at the handles. In all other cases, when there is an event for a given handle, demultiplexer notifies the initiation dispatcher to call-back the appropriate event handler.

A very common realization of a demultiplexer in Unix is the ‘select(.)’ system call, which is used to examine the status of file descriptors in Unix.

Initiation dispatcher/reactor

Initiation dispatcher provides an API for registering, removing, and dispatching of event handler objects. Therefore, various types of event handlers are registered with the initiation dispatcher and it also initiates the demultiplexer so that it can receive notifications when the demultiplexer detects any event.

When events such as connection acceptance, data input/output, timeout, etc. have occurred at the demultiplexer, it then notifies the initiation dispatcher. Thereafter, the initiation dispatcher invokes the respective concrete event handler.

Event handler

This is merely an interface that represents dispatching operation for a specific event.

Concrete event handler

This is derived from the abstract event handler and each implementation comprises a specific method of processing a specific event type. It is important to keep in mind that these concrete event handlers are often run on a dedicated thread pool, which is independent from the initiation dispatcher and the demultiplexer.

Reactor pattern in Java NIO

When it comes to developing server applications with Java, we need to have an underlying framework that supports a
realization of the Reactor pattern. With the Java NIO framework, jdk provides the necessary building blocks to implement Reactor pattern with Java.

Non-blocking echo server with Java NIO

In order to understand how Reactor pattern can be implemented with Java NIO, let's take an example of a simple echo server and a client, in which the server is implemented based on the readiness selection strategy.

Selector (demultiplexer)

Selector is the Java building block, which is analogous to the demultiplexer in the Reactor pattern. Selector is where you register your interest in various I/O events and the objects tell you when those events occur.

Reactor/initiation dispatcher

We should use the Java NIO Selector in the Dispatcher/Reactor. For this, we can introduce our own Dispatcher/Reactor implementation called ‘Reactor’. The reactor comprises java.nio.channels.Selector and a map of registered handlers. As per the definition of the Dispatcher/Reactor, ‘Reactor’ will call the while waiting for the IO event to occur.


In the Java NIO scope, the Handle in the Reactor pattern is realized in the form of a SelectionKey.


The events that trigger from various IO events are classified as - SlectionKey.OP_READ etc.


A handler is often implemented as runnable or callable in Java.

Structure of the sample scenario

In our sample scenario, we have introduced an abstract event Handler with the abstract method ‘public void handleEvent(SelectionKey handle)’ which is implemented by the respective concrete event handlers. AcceptEventHandler, ReadEventHandler, and WriteEventHandler are the concrete handler implementations.

ReactorManager - This is the place where we initialize the Reactor and execute the server side operations.


Create the ServerSocketChannel, bind with a port and configure non-blocking behavior.
ServerSocketChannel server =;
server.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(port));

Initialize Reactor and register channels
Reactor initiationDispatcher = new Reactor();
initiationDispatcher.registerChannel(SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT, server);

Register all the concrete event handlers with the Reactor.

    ServerSocketChannel server =;
    server.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(port));

    Reactor reactor = new Reactor();
    reactor.registerChannel(SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT, server);

            SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT, new AcceptEventHandler(

            SelectionKey.OP_READ, new ReadEventHandler(

            SelectionKey.OP_WRITE, new WriteEventHandler());;

Invoke run() method of the Reactor. This method is responsible for calling select() method of the Selector/Demultiplexer on an indefinite loop and as the new event occurs they are retained with selectedKeys() method of the Selector. Then for each selected key, it invokes the respective event handler.

    package org.panorama.kasun;

import java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
import java.nio.channels.Selector;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

public class Reactor {
    private Map registeredHandlers = new ConcurrentHashMap();
    private Selector demultiplexer;

    public Reactor() throws Exception {
        demultiplexer =;

    public Selector getDemultiplexer() {
        return demultiplexer;

    public void registerEventHandler(
            int eventType, EventHandler eventHandler) {
        registeredHandlers.put(eventType, eventHandler);

    public void registerChannel(
            int eventType, SelectableChannel channel) throws Exception {
        channel.register(demultiplexer, eventType);

    public void run() {
        try {
            while (true) { // Loop indefinitely
      Set readyHandles =
                Iterator handleIterator =

                while (handleIterator.hasNext()) {
                    SelectionKey handle =;

                    if (handle.isAcceptable()) {
                        EventHandler handler =

                    if (handle.isReadable()) {
                        EventHandler handler =

                    if (handle.isWritable()) {
                        EventHandler handler =
        } catch (Exception e) {

Handle is represented from SlectionKey and Event are represented with SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT, SelectionKey.OP_READ, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE etc.

Source code for the above sample is available at

Reactor pattern for HTTP server development - HTTPCore NIO

So far we had a detailed discussion on how Reactor Pattern can be implemented when developing server applications. In the previous section, we implemented a simple non-blocking server application that runs on top of TCP.

In real-world server applications, it more or less uses HTTP as the application level protocol and much of the communication takes place via HTTP/S. Hence, when developing server applications that runs on top of HTTP protocol, they too need to be implemented in such a way that it follows the Readiness Selection principle when serving clients. Hence, this is where we need an HTTP infrastructure that caters to the Readiness section when receiving and sending HTTP messages.

HttpCore/HTTPCore-NIO offers a set of low level HTTP transport components that can be used to build high performance non-blocking HTTP client and server-side implementations. HttpCore-NIO itself is a realization of the Reactor pattern that we have discussed in the previous section.

HTTPCore/NIO caters to all types of HTTP specific communication requirements and also supports implementing server applications that can handle thousands of concurrent connections with the use of Reactor Pattern.

In what follows, we will discuss the main components of HTTPCore/NIO implementation as well as how these help to realize reactor pattern in a non-blocking HTTP transport library.

IO reactor

The purpose of I/O reactors is to react to I/O events and to dispatch event notifications to individual I/O sessions. As we have already discussed, the main idea of I/O reactor pattern is to break away from the one thread per connection model imposed by the classic blocking I/O model.

The IOReactor interface represents an abstract object that implements the Reactor pattern. Internally, IOReactor implementations encapsulate functionality of the NIO java.nio.channels.Selector.

I/O reactors usually employ a small number of dispatch threads (often as few as one) to dispatch I/O event notifications to a much greater number (often as many as several thousands) of I/O sessions or connections. It is generally recommended to have one dispatch thread per CPU core.

Listening I/O reactor - Is an I/O reactor capable of listening for incoming connections on one or several ports. This is used when receiving an HTTP request from a given port(s).

Connecting I/O reactors - Is an I/O reactor capable of establishing connections with remote hosts. This is often used when sending an HTTP request to a given host address.

HTTP I/O event dispatchers

HTTP I/O event dispatchers are used to convert generic I/O events triggered by an I/O reactor to HTTP protocol specific events.

NHttpServerEventHandler: Is used along with Listening IO Reactors when receiving HTTP requests.

NHttpClientEventHandler: Is used along with Connecting IO Reactors when sending out HTTP requests.

The request and response flow works on top of a state machine and, based on each event, the respective event dispatcher methods get invoked. The following diagram gives a detailed overview of these event dispatchers and state transitions.

  • The state machine contains two implementations of NHttpServerEventHandler and NHttpClientEventHandler. These EventHandler implementations are coupled with Listening IO Reactor and Connecting IO Reactor, respectively.
  • Therefore, when an inbound connection comes in, the NHTTPServerEventHandler implementation’s connect method gets invoked with all the required details.
  • Once we have the incoming HTTP Request body available, the requestReceived method is then invoked. At this point, the ServerEventHandler implementation has access to all the HTTP headers that are there in the incoming request, but not the body of the message.
  • When the entity body of the incoming request is available, then the inputReady method is invoked (until we read the entire message content).
  • When we decide to send the request message to a given HTTP server, then we need to use the NHttpClientEventHandler along with the Connecting IO Reactor. Therefore, when we want to send/route the message to a given HTTP server, then the connect method of the client event handler implementation is invoked.
  • Once we have the request available to be sent out, then the requestReady is invoked. Similar to server side, at this point, the client event handler has access to all the HTTP headers of the message, but not the payload.
  • outputReady is invoked when the channel is ready to write a portion of outbound message entity body into the wire and this may get called several times, until we have written the entire entity body in to the wire.
  • The response path is very similar to what we have explained above and you can deduce the response path logic by referring the state diagram.


Part I of the article basically covers all the fundamentals aspects that are required for the discussion on Pass-Through Transport. In Part II, we will discuss the high level architecture of Pass-Through Transport and some high level implementation details.


  1. Reactor: an object behavioral pattern for concurrent event demultiplexing and event handler dispatching
  2. Reactor Pattern Introduction
  3. Open Source ESB Performance comparison

About Author

  • Kasun Indrasiri
  • Director - Integration Technologies
  • WSO2 Inc