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Reference Architecture on Implementing TRA and SCA Exemptions

Executive Summary

  • Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) for PSD2 mandates the use of Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) to ensure security in remote payments as frauds have been identified as the main threat.
  • SCA Exemptions and Transaction Risk Analysis (TRA) defined in RTS ensures that strong customer authentication is applied without impacting user experience.

Why Banks Should Consider Becoming Third Party Providers

Executive Summary

  • Open banking regulations introduced standards that opened the door for many fintechs to enter the market as third party providers.
  • Fintechs provide innovative applications to solve modern banking problems and are now functioning as a new front face for consumers.
  • In such a context, financial institutions can either become innovative or partner with these fintechs to remain competitive in the open banking world.



Panel Discussion With Higher Education Industry Experts on Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is no stranger to the higher education sector. As a result of the ongoing pandemic and increased reliance on distance learning platforms, the need for digital transformation has intensified now more than ever. Higher education institutions that are future-oriented and innovative need to place a greater emphasis on enterprise integration and API management technologies to provide seamless learning experiences by connecting faculty members, students, and parents.


A Primer on OAuth2 for Client-Side Applications: Part 4

This is the final article of my four part series on OAuth2 for client side applications (CSAs). I started this series by discussing the broader categories of CSAss and their legacy, more recent authentication and API authorization standards, and their pros and cons.


Exposing GraphQLs as Managed APIs

Executive Summary

GraphQL is a query language for web based APIs developed by Facebook. Many developers tend to think that GraphQL can be used as a replacement for REST due to its popularity. This article explores the following in detail:


A Primer on OAuth 2.0 for Client-Side Applications: Part 2


This is the second part of a four-part article series. In the first article, I looked at the broader categories of client-side applications (CSA), their legacy and more recent authentication and API authorization standards, and their pros and cons.


How WSO2 Open Banking 1.5 Supports Compliance with Australia’s CDS Version 1.2

WSO2 Open Banking 1.5 meets all the requirements of Australia's latest Consumer Data Standards (CDS). This post discusses several key feature additions and enhancements in detail.
