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Axis2/C Handler Configurations Using Parameters

The Axis2/C architecture consists of flows, phases, modules and handlers.

They can be described as follows. There are two flows called In-flow and Out-flow. A flow is the path from the transport to the service or client.


Deploying the WSO2 Identity Solution Over an Active Directory

In this tutorial by Prabath Siriwardena, you will learn how WSO2 Identity Solution can be deployed over a user store based on an Active Directory [AD].


Using WSF/C Extended Error Handling Mechanism

This article by Damitha Kumarage illustrates using WSF/C extended error handling mechanism in your own modules and applications.


How to deploy WSO2 ESB on Apache Tomcat

WSO2 ESB can be deployed on differet application servers such as IBM WebSphere, BEA WebLogic Server, JBoss and Apache Tomcat. I will be describing how one can easily deploy WSO2 ESB on Apache Tomcat.


How to Install WSO2 ESB on IBM WebSphere Application Server

Evanthika Amarasiri shows the pre-requisites and steps in installing the WSO2 ESB on the IBM WebSphere application server.


Extending WSO2 Registry with Handlers

In this article, Chathura Ekanayake discusses on extending the WSO2 Registry capabilities using the handler framework. He gives details on concepts and architecture of the handler framework and illustrates its use with a sample.


WSO2 Mashup Server Screencast: "Hello, World!"

Jonathan Marsh, Director of Mashup Technologies for WSO2, demonstrates how to create a simple hello-world Web service using only the WSO2 Mashup Server and Notepad.


Axis2 Configuration Part 2 – Learning axis2.xml

In the first part of this article we discussed the commonly used parameters in an axis2.xml file, and how to configure those parameters to change the the standard behavior of the Axis2 engine. In this article Deepal Jayasinghe continues to explore the parameters of axis2.xml and introduces other types of elements.


How to run Rampart Samples with Apache Tomcat

This explains how to setup and run standard Apache Rampart samples in an Axis2 instance hosted in Apache Rampart.


Feature Comparison of WSF/C and gSOAP

In this article Damitha Kumarage performing a feature comparisons of WSF/C and gSOAP.

