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WSO2 WSAS Developer Community has provided you with a list of WSAS HOW TO articles.


How to Disable the WSAS Management Console in my Production Server?

Question : I am running my WSAS instance on a production server, and for security or other purposes, I want to disable the WSAS Management console. How can this be achieved?


Sending Attachments with SOAP - Michael Galpin

SOAP applications often have to deal with more than just simple messages. The payload for a SOAP message can often include a word processing or PDF document, image, or other binary file. This article by Michael Galpin on explains how to use the Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) to send and receive these messages using WSO2 Web Services Application Server (WSAS)


A Quick Reference Guide for Rampart/C Configurations

Rampart/C is the security module of the Apache Axis2/C web services engine. The following tutorial by Kaushalye Kapuruge will guide you on how to configure Rampart/C in order to satisfy different security requirements in SOAP message exchanges.


Open Source WS Stacks for Java - Design Goals and Philosophy

Among the most popular open source stacks for implementing a SOAP/WS-* based solution in the Java space are Apache Axis2, Apache CXF, Spring Web Services and Sun’s Metro.

Stefan Tilkov posed a number of questions to the lead developers of these stacks – Paul Fremantle (Axis2), Dan Diephouse (CXF), Arjen Poutsma (Spring Web Services), Thomas Diesler (JBossWS) and Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Metro) – about their design goals, their approach towards Java and Web services standards, data binding, accessing XML, interoperability, REST support, and framework maturity



How to Enable Fast Infoset in Axis2/Java

From release 1.3 onward Axis2/Java has support for Fast Infoset (FI) encoding of XML messages. It has the capability to FI encode SOAP messages as well as POX (Plain Old XML) messages.


ADB XML Schema Support

ADB is a light weight data binding framework specially developed for use with Apache Axis2. An introduction to ADB and the basic structure of the ADB generated code was discussed in the article ADB Generated Code in Apache Axis2 [1] This article by Amila Suriarachchi succeeds the previous one and elaborates the schema support currently available with ADB.


Web Services Endpoints with Apache Axis2/C

Samisa Abeysinghe, current project lead of the Apache Axis2/C gives to you a detailed descriptions on customizing the endpoint address format of hosted services via Axis2/C, the Web services engine for providing and consuming Web Services in C.


How SOA hits home: Five ways SOA makes a difference

One of the most valuable and often overlooked benefits of an Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) strategy is the impact it has on the general population. From helping reduce home energy bills, to saving money on car insurance, to safeguarding your retirement investments, SOA is quickly becoming a critical (albeit invisible) ally for today's consumers.


Web Talks from Cal Henderson

Cal Henderson, best known for co-owning and developing the online creative community B3ta lists talks made or planning to make at various conferences on Web topics.

