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Web Services Authentication with Axis 2

Ulf Dittmer, moderator and WikiAdministrator at JavaRanch in this article presents two kinds of WS clients, one using the SAAJ API which was also discussed in his first article, the other one using Axis own API.


AJAX and Web Services with WSO2 - Michael Galpin

The Web has become the dominant way to deploy applications. Web applications have numerous advantages over traditional desktop applications. However, the user interface of the application is one area that Web applications have traditionally been weak in comparison to their desktop brethren.


How to call MySQL 5 stored procedure from Data Services

In this tutorial Sumedha Rubasinghe will show you how to call MySQL 5 Stored Procedure using WSO2 Data Services. He uses WSO2 WSAS to perform this task.


Bring Your Relational Data to the Web

Data Services is a convenient mechanism to provide a service interface to data stored in a relational database. Parameters for the Web service will be passed to the SQL query and you will get a custom defined XML response generated using database data.

In this tutorial, Sumedha Rubasinghe teaches you how to deploy a data service.


Web Services Versioning using WSO2 WSAS and WSO2 ESB

Versioning Web services is a hard problem. In this article, we will look
at a specific issue of how to migrate from Axis1 to Axis2 using WSO2 WSAS and
WSO2 ESB and still support existing Axis1 clients.


WS-Addressing in Action

This article by Samisa Abeysinghe looks into the WS-Addressing specification. It explains why WS-Addressing is needed, and more importantly explains how WS-Addressing can be used in a real world scenario. This article also explains how you can use the WS-Addressing implementation of Apache Axis2/C Web services engine.


Running the WSO2 Application Server on Apache Geronimo

Due to time constraints, we did not update the install process for WSO2
Web Services Application Server 2.0 (WSAS) to include support for Geronimo
2.0.1. In this article, we will show you how to get the two working


Java Web Services, Part 3: Axis2 Data Binding

The Apache Axis2 Web services framework was designed from the start to support multiple XML data-binding approaches. The current release provides full support for XMLBeans and JiBX data binding, as well as the custom Axis Data Binding (ADB) approach developed specifically for Axis2. This article by Dennis Sosnoski shows you how to use these different data bindings with Axis2 and explains why you might prefer one over the others for your application.

