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W3C Workshop on Web of Services for Enterprise Computing- Jonathan Marsh

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) organized a workshop on "Web of Services for Enterprise Computing" on 27th-28th February 2007. Oxygen Tank spoke to Jonathan Marsh from WSO2, who presented a paper on increasing the interoperability Basis for WS-*, about the outcomes of the workshop.


Flows, Phases, Handlers, and Modules

Flows, phases, handlers, and modules could be considered as the main pillars on which Apache Axis2 architecture is built. This article by Samisa Abeysinghe explains these concepts and how these elements fit together to form the core of the Apache Axis2/C engine.


OpenSSL Tutorial for Apache Rampart/C

This tutorial by Kaushalye Kapuruge explains how to use the OpenSSL toolkit to configure Apache Rampart/C, security module of Apache Axis2/C in your system. This includes the necessary practical knowledge as well as the conceptual knowledge.


Secure Messaging with Apache Rampart/Java - Ruchith Fernando

Ruchith takes a moment to talk about Apache Rampart and how it implements the security related Web service specifications for Apache Axis2. He also extends an invitation to all those buzzing minds out there to get on the Rampart bandwagon!

