16 Jun, 2016

[Blog Post] Continuous Integration for WSO2 Artifacts

  • Dimuthu Leelarathne
  • Architect - WSO2

This blog will walk you through a set of best practices, guidelines, tips and tricks to setup an efficient software delivery life cycle for the WSO2 middleware platform. It explains how you can apply generic software development best practices, such as managing configurations, continuous integration, continuous deployment, and build-once-deploy-everywhere concepts to the WSO2 platform.

The WSO2 middleware platform has a story for comprehensive development, deployment, and delivery. The WSO2 platform ships with WSO2 Developer Studio - an Eclipse-based graphical editor to create artifacts, such as services and integrations, and manage links dependencies between the artifacts. When WSO2 Developer Studio integrates with continuous integration and deployment it will provide a very comprehensive story.

Development Time Best Practices

All development efforts universally go through minimally two stages - dev and production environment. Ideally, in a large organization, there are well-established environments on which artifacts need to be tested before going live. When the WSO2 platform is introduced into such an environment, it needs to plugin to the existing software development life cycle tool set seamlessly. An existing software delivery process can be as follows.

To learn more, refer to Dimuthu's blog.


About Author

  • Dimuthu Leelarathne
  • Architect
  • WSO2