WSO2Con2025 Logo

March 18-20 | Barcelona, Spaain


Introducing the Choreo CLI

We're happy to announce the release of a new command-line interface (CLI) tool for our development platform! With this, we aim to bring Choreo to your terminal. This reduces context switching, helps you focus, and enables you to script and create your workflows more easily.

You can install Choreo CLI today on Linux, MacOS, and Windows.

Simply run our installation script for your particular OS

  • For Linux and Mac OS
curl -o- | bash


Choreo's Managed Authentication for Single-Page Web Applications


Authentication and authorization play crucial roles in modern application development. Over the years, the way we implement these security measures has evolved, with protocols like OAuth2/OpenID Connect now being widely used. While web applications can manually implement these protocols, it requires a certain level of expertise. Moreover, when it comes to single-page applications (SPAs), additional measures are necessary to securely manage security tokens on the application side.


Streamlining Cloud Native App Development in Kubernetes with Prioritized API Management

Key Takeaways:

  • While Kubernetes (K8s) and APIs play key roles in delivering cloud native applications, the lack of first-class support for APIs and API management in K8s introduces complexity in developing and deploying these apps.
  • However, the emergence of the Kubernetes Gateway API, which aims to make APIs a core feature on K8s, is driving a shift towards standardization and interoperability.

7 Key Features of WSO2 Identity Server 7.0 Every Application and API Developer Should Know

As the open source leader in IAM, we’re excited to release WSO2 Identity Server 7.0. If you’ve been involved in the IAM space for some time, you might remember that WSO2 Identity Server 5.0 released in 2014, which was a revolutionary product at that time. It brought an innovative experience for identity domain experts to model and implement their access management requirements. 


Scaling Smart: Introducing Choreo’s Scale-to-Zero for Optimal Resource Utilization

While the cloud facilitates quicker and easier completion of tasks, it’s important to use resources efficiently. Careless usage can lead to high costs over time. Choreo’s new scale-to-zero feature allows you to minimize costs by scaling down application resource usage to almost zero when not in active use. This capability is a significant step forward towards apps being more resource-conscious and cost-effective.


WSO2 Optimizes Developer Experience with Launch of WSO2 Identity Server 7.0

WSO2 Identity Server 7.0 expands developer productivity with a new authentication API, visual editor with side-by-side graphical and code views, and one-click templates and authentication methods; adds comprehensive B2B CIAM and financial-grade API security

Automating ETL Tasks Effectively with Choreo

The Context


Simplify Application Login Flows with Asgardeo's New Visual Editor

App developers seeking simple login integration often find the IAM landscape daunting. Easier said than done when app developers don't live and breath the intricacies of identity standards. With Asgardeo, we have bridged this gap and offer a smooth experience for developers trying to ship their apps as soon as possible. In this post, let's dig into the newly delivered Login Flow Visual Editor and learn about the thinking behind this new capability and what it has to offer.


WSO2 API Manager: Leading the Way in API Management and Security

API management and API security are like two sides of a coin, intrinsically part of a greater whole. That is why the recent KuppingerCole report, “Leadership Compass: API Security and Management,” is particularly useful for organizations seeking to develop or update their API strategies. With the report’s comprehensive view of both API management and security, it offers an invaluable resource for understanding their interplay.


WSO2 Announces WSO2Con 2024 Global User Conference and Code Challenge

This event will examine how to simplify the creation of digital experiences utilizing the latest advances in AI, platformless, and other technologies for app development, integration, API management, and IAM, and announce winners of the WSO2 Code Challenge.
