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Groups and Roles

Choreo manages user permissions with groups and roles.


A group in Choreo is a collection of users, each with one or more roles assigned to them. Users within a group inherit the permissions associated with the roles assigned to that group. For instance, if a user is added to the API Publisher group, they will automatically receive the API Publisher role.

Choreo comes with predefined groups already configured with specific roles, as follows:

  • API Publisher: A collection of users who have the API Publisher role.
  • API Subscriber: A collection of users who have the API Subscriber role.
  • Admin : A collection of users who have the Admin role.
  • Billing Admin : A collection of users who have the Billing Admin role.
  • Choreo DevOps : A collection of users who have the Choreo DevOps role.
  • External API Subscriber: A collection of users who have the External API Subscriber role.

When creating a new group to invite members, be sure to assign a role to the group to ensure users have the required permissions.


Choreo roles are defined as follows:

  • API Publisher: An API publisher can discover, create, publish, delete, test, and manage an API.
  • API Subscriber: An API subscriber is a developer in a particular organization. An API subscriber can subscribe to an application, manage subscriptions, manage applications, generate API keys, and manage API keys.
  • Admin: An administrator is responsible for all administration tasks, including user management, customizing the Developer Portal, managing projects, enabling analytics, managing domains, etc.
  • Billing Admin: Is responsible for billing administration that includes viewing tiers, creating and viewing organizations, managing invoices, viewing and creating subscriptions, and viewing and creating payment methods.
  • Choreo DevOps: A Choreo DevOps user is a user with access to the Choreo DevOps portal, enabling them to actively manage, ensure dependable deployment, and monitor components.
  • External API subscriber: External API subscribers are API consumers who have access only to the API Developer Portal. They can join an organization with the sole purpose of consuming APIs.
  • Environment Manager (Deprecated): Manages deployment environments.