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Secure API Access with Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)

API security refers to the measures and practices used to protect Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) from potential threats and vulnerabilities. Authentication and authorization are key aspects of API security. Authentication is ensuring that only authorized users or applications can access the API. This can involve using API keys, tokens, or more advanced authentication methods like OAuth 2.0. Authorization is controlling what authenticated users or applications are allowed to do within the API. Authorization mechanisms restrict access to specific resources and actions based on user roles or permissions.

Organizations using Microsoft Azure AD for identity and access management (IAM) can seamlessly integrate it with Choreo as an external Identity Provider (IdP). This guide will walk you through setting up Choreo to authenticate API invocations through Azure AD which is configured as an external IdP.

This guide walks you through the following steps:

  • Assign scopes to an API in Choreo.
  • Create an API in Azure AD.
  • Create an application in Azure AD and consume the Azure API.
  • Create an application in Choreo and enable external IdP authentication.
  • Invoke the API with scopes.


To follow this guide, you need to satisfy the following prerequisites:

Step 1: Assign scopes to an API in Choreo

You can provide fine-grained access control to your API resources with scopes. Follow the steps below to assign a scope to the resources in the API:

  1. In the Component Listing pane, click on the component you want to attach scopes to.
  2. In the left navigation menu, click Manage and then Permissions.
  3. Click + Add Permission (Scope).
  4. In the Permission List pane, enter the permission value and click + Add New.
  5. Click the copy icon in front of the added scope to copy the fully qualified name of the scope. Save this value for future reference.
  6. To attach a scope to a resource, click the Select Permissions list under the respective resource, and select the scopes you wish to attach.
  7. Click Save and Deploy.
  8. In the left navigation menu, click Manage and then Lifecycle.
  9. Click Publish and continue to publish your API to the Choreo Developer Portal.

Step 2: Create a web API on Azure AD

To enable external IdP authentication for APIs, create an API on Azure AD that represents the API on Choreo. Follow the steps below:

  1. Sign in to the Azure console.
  2. Follow the Azure guide to create a Web API that represents your API on Choreo.
  3. In the left navigation menu, under Manage, select Expose an API.
  4. Add the default Application ID URI and click Save and Continue.
  5. Under Scopes defined by this API, select Add a scope.
  6. Enter the fully qualified name as the scope name.
  7. Define who can consent. You can alternatively add a scope requiring admin consent.
  8. Enter appropriate values and click Add Scope.

For more information, refer to the Azure documentation:

Step 2.1: Assign users to the web API

You can restrict users to the API as follows:

  1. Go to your Azure AD main menu.
  2. Under Manage, click on Enterprise Applications. Alternatively, on Microsoft Entra, under Applications, click Enterprise Applications.
  3. Select your API.
  4. Under Manage, select the Users and groups then select + Add user/group.
  5. Select the users and groups and click Select.

For more information, refer to the Azure documentation: Assign the app to users and groups to restrict access

Step 3: Create a client application on Azure AD and invoke the Azure web API

To expose the API to application developers, create an application in Azure AD. This application provides you with a client-id and client-secret that your application needs to use to invoke the API.

Step 3.1: Create a client application

Follow the steps below to create the application:

  1. Follow the steps in Register an application on Azure to create an application.
  2. Configure the platform settings. Enter your client application's redirect URI in the process.


    OAuth2 Authorization Grant flow applies to Web Applications.

Step 3.2: Consume the Azure AD web API from the Azure AD application

Once you create the application, select the API and the scopes you want the application to consume. Follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Azure Active Directory and then click App registrations.
  2. Select your client application (not your web API).
  3. In the left navigation menu, click API permissions.
  4. Click + Add a permission and select My APIs.
  5. Select the API and the required scopes and click Add Permissions.
  6. Once you add the scope, click on the scope and copy the scope name and keep it for future reference. Use this as the scope when you invoke the authorize and token endpoint in step 5.

For more information, refer to the Azure documentation: Add permissions to access your web API

Step 3.3: Create secrets for the Azure web application

To invoke the application, provide client secrets to the consuming application. Follow the steps below to generate the credentials:

  1. In the left navigation menu, click Certificates & Secrets.
  2. Click + New client secret.
  3. Provide a meaningful description and the required expiration.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Copy the created Secret ID and Value for future reference.
  6. In the left navigation menu, click Overview and open the overview page of the API.
  7. Copy the Application (client) ID and save it for future reference.

For more information, refer to the Azure documentation: Add a Client Secret

Step 4: Create an application in Choreo and enable external IdP authentication.

Follow the steps below to consume the Choreo API and use an external IdP for authentication:

  1. Sign in to the Choreo Developer Portal at
  2. Click Applications. and then click +Create.
  3. Enter a name and description for the application.
  4. Click Create.
  5. In the left navigation menu, under Credentials and click Production.
  6. Select your AzureAD (Microsoft) configuration as the Identity Provider.
  7. Enter the Application (client) ID you copied in at Step 3.2 as the Client ID.
  8. Click +Add.


    • You can only use the Client ID in one application.
    • The Identity Provider dropdown is visible only to organizations where you have configured external IdPs.
  9. In the left navigation menu, click Subscriptions.

  10. In the Subscription Management pane that opens, click + Add APIs.
  11. Select the API you assigned scopes to in step 1 and click Add.

Step 5: Invoke the API with scopes

You can now invoke the Choreo API using the authorization code grant. Choreo will authenticate the user with Azure AD and provide access to the resource.

  1. On the Choreo Developer Portal, go to your application.
  2. In the left navigation menu, under Credentials and click Production.
  3. Under Endpoints, copy the Authorize Endpoint URL.
  4. Invoke the authorization endpoint as follows:

    1. Review the consent in the login screens that prompt and continue.
    2. After you log in, you will receive an authorization code in the URL. Copy the authorization code and use it to get an access token from Azure AD by following the next steps.
    3. On the Choreo Developer Portal, go to your application.
    4. In the left navigation menu, under Credentials and click Production.
    5. Under Endpoints, copy the Token Endpoint URL.
    6. Invoke the token endpoint as follows:
    curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
    {token_endpoint} \
    -d 'client_id={client_id}' \
    -d 'scope={scopes}' \
    -d 'code={authorization_code}' \
    -d 'redirect_uri={redirect_url}' \
    -d 'client_secret={The client_secret value you copied from the Azure Application}'
    -d 'grant_type=authorization_code' \    
    curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ \
    -d 'client_id=5eb1de74-e449-4973-a620-52c4dc9157a9' \
    -d 'scope=api://580b40b7-5513-4714-a4e0-8d4e784f7dc6/urn:taylordean:books:books_add' \
    -d 'code=0.AXAASC…zZUzKYm18yM_5-SXz1uvRbbGYF7F32hE9zIQFRQY35haD' \
    -d 'redirect_uri=https://localhost:9000' \
    -d 'grant_type=authorization_code' \
    -d 'state=111' \
    -d 'client_secret=l4Q8Q~4WKiRXYSQZly5E6Ess.fKf__U1yJR3IaMd'
  5. Once you receive the access token, you can test invoking the resource using the OpenAPI console in Choreo by specifying the scope.