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API Rate Limiting

API rate limiting is a technique that allows you to control the rate of requests made to an API. Rate limiting helps prevent system overload and enhances API performance. When you limit the number of requests that can be made in a specific time frame, you can ensure that your API is available and responsive to all users while protecting it from malicious attacks.

This page walks you through the steps to enable rate limiting for your APIs via Choreo and also provides information on the rate-limiting options supported by Choreo.

Enable rate limiting for an API

To enable rate limiting for an API, follow the steps given below:


You can apply rate-limiting settings separately for each environment.

  1. Sign in to the Choreo Console.
  2. In the Component Listing pane, click on the component for which you want to apply rate limiting.
  3. In the left navigation menu, click Deploy.
  4. Go to the required environment card and click the view icon corresponding to the endpoint for which you want to apply rate limiting.


    If you are applying rate limiting for an API Proxy component, go to the required environment card, click the setting icon corresponding to API Configuration, and proceed to step 6.

  5. In the Endpoint Details pane that opens, click the settings icon.

  6. In the Manage section, click Rate Limiting to expand it.
  7. Select a Rate Limiting Level depending on your requirement and click Apply.

API-level rate limiting

API-level rate limiting applies the allocated request count for the specified time unit to all operations in the API.

API-level rate limiting

Operation-level rate limiting

Operation-level rate limiting allows you to configure different rate-limiting values for each operation. You can use this option to define specific rate-limiting values for critical API operations that require an extra layer of protection.

Operation-level rate limiting

Rate-limiting response headers

The following table lists the response headers available when you enable rate limiting for your APIs. You can implement necessary rate-limiting scenarios depending on the response header values.

Header Name Description
x-ratelimit-limit Denotes the request count allocated for the specified time unit.
x-ratelimit-reset Provides the time remaining to start the next rate-limiting time unit.
x-ratelimit-remaining Denotes the remaining request count for the specified time unit.
x-ratelimit-enforced Visible after exceeding the allocated request count.