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Deploy Your First Service

Choreo, an Internal Developer Platform (IDevP), simplifies the deployment, monitoring, and management of your cloud-native services, allowing you to focus on innovation and implementation.

Choreo allows you to easily deploy services you've created in your preferred programming language in just a few steps.

In this guide, you will:

  • Use a pre-implemented service that has resources to maintain a book list.
  • Build and deploy the service in Choreo using the Nodejs buildpack. It runs on port 8080.
  • Test the service.


  1. You will need a GitHub account with a repository that contains your service implementation. To follow this guide you can fork the Choreo sample book list service repository, which contains the sample for this guide.

  2. If you are signing in to the Choreo Console for the first time, create an organization as follows:

    1. Go to, and sign in using your Google, GitHub, or Microsoft account.
    2. Enter a unique organization name. For example, Stark Industries.
    3. Read and accept the privacy policy and terms of use.
    4. Click Create.

    This creates the organization and opens the organization home page.

Learn the repository file structure

Let's familiarize ourselves with the key files in this sample application. The below table gives a brief overview of the important files in the sample book list service.


The following file paths are relative to the path /

Filepath Description
app.mjs The Node.js (JavaScript) based service code.
.choreo/endpoints.yaml Choreo-specific configuration that provides information about how Choreo exposes the service.
openapi.yaml OpenAPI contract of the service. This is required to publish our service as a managed API. This openapi.yaml file is referenced by the .choreo/endpoints.yaml.

Let's get started!

Step 1: Create a project

Follow the steps given below to create a project:

  1. Go to and sign in. This opens the organization home page.
  2. On the organization home page, click + Create Project.
  3. Enter a unique name and description for the project. You can enter the name and description given below:

    Field Value
    Name Book List project
    Description My sample multi repository project
  4. Select Multi-Repo.


    Since we are creating one component in the project, in this example we will use a multi repository project. A multi repository project allows you to create components using the code stored in different repositories.

  5. Click Create.

Step 2: Create a service component

Let's create a service component by following these steps:

  1. In the landing page, under Connect Your Code, click on the Service card.
  2. Enter a unique name and a description of the service. For this guide, let's enter the following values:

    Field Value
    Name Book List
    Description Gets the book list
  3. Select the GitHub tab.

  4. If you have not already connected your GitHub repository to Choreo, click Authorize with GitHub, enter your GitHub credentials, and select the repository you created by forking the Choreo sample book list service repository. If your repository is not listed, then connect your repository by selecting the + Connect More Repositories option from the Repository list.


    The Choreo GitHub App requires the following permissions:

    • Read and write access. Write access is required to set up a webhook for Choreo. This enables Choreo to receive notifications whenever new code is pushed, facilitating the automatic building of the most recent code.
    • Read access to issues and metadata.

    You can revoke access if you do not want Choreo to have access to your GitHub account. However, write access is only used to send pull requests to a user repository. Choreo will not directly push any changes to a repository.

  5. Enter the following information:

    Field Description
    GitHub Account Your account
    GitHub Repository choreo-sample-book-list-service
    Branch main
  6. Select the buildpack NodeJS.

  7. Enter the following information.

    Field Description
    NodeJS Project Directory /
    Language Version 20.x.x
  8. Click Create. Once the component creation is complete, you will see the component overview page.

You have successfully created a Service component with the NodeJS buildpack. Now let's build and deploy the service.

Step 3: Build and deploy

Now that the source repository is connected and Choreo has set up the endpoints based on the repository's configuration, it's time to proceed with building the service. Choreo will create a Docker image in the build process. You can then deploy the built Docker image and test the book list service.

Step 3.1: Build

To build the service, follow these steps:

  1. Select the component you created from the Components Listing.
  2. From the left navigation, go to the Build page and click Build.
  3. Click Build Latest.
  4. Check the deployment progress by observing the console logs on the right of the page.


    Building the service component may take a while. You can track the progress via the Build Logs panel. Once the build process is complete, the build status changes to Success.

Step 3.2: Deploy

Next, to deploy this service, follow these steps:

  1. In the left navigation menu, click Deploy.
  2. On the Set Up card, click Configure & Deploy.
  3. Skip configuring the Environment Configurations and click Next.
  4. Skip adding a File Mount. Click Next.
  5. Review the Endpoint Details and click Deploy.


    Deploying the service component may take a while. You can track the progress by observing the logs. Once the deploying is complete, the build status changes to Active on the Development environment card.

Step 4: Test the service

To test the Book List service via the integrated OpenAPI Console in Choreo, follow the steps given below:

  1. In the Choreo Console left navigation menu, click Test and then click Console.
  2. In the OpenAPI Console that opens, select Development from the environment drop-down list.
  3. In the Endpoint list, select Books REST Endpoint.
  4. Expand the GET /books method and click Try it out.
  5. Click Execute.
  6. Check the Server Response section.

Similarly, you can expand and try out the other methods.

After you have successfully tested your service, you can now try out various other Choreo features such as managing, observing, DevOps, etc., similar to any other component type within Choreo.